PREFIX ckgc: <>
PREFIX ckgp: <>
PREFIX ckgg: <>
PREFIX ckga: <>
We developed a prototype educational information system at Users can use this system to search and browse geographical knowledge in and related CKGG. Its source code is in ./gkbdemo and ./api.
CKGG is accessible as Linked Data. For example, by dereferencing <>
one can obtain the following RDF document.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
xmlns:ckgp="" >
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<ckgp:P10 rdf:resource="" />
<ckgp:P14 rdf:resource="" />
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<ckgp:P18 rdf:resource="" />
<!-- ... (part-whole relations) -->
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<!-- (types) -->
<rdfs:label xml:lang="zh-cn">南京市</rdfs:label>
<rdfs:label xml:lang="en">Nanjing</rdfs:label>
<!-- ... (labels) -->
<owl:sameAs rdf:resource="" />
<owl:sameAs rdf:resource="" />
<owl:sameAs rdf:resource="" />
<owl:sameAs rdf:resource="" />
<!-- ... (sameAs Links) -->
<geo:lat rdf:datatype="">31.9657</geo:lat>
<geo:lon rdf:datatype="">118.873</geo:lon>
<!-- (latitude, longitude) -->
<ckgp:P177 rdf:datatype="">7165292</ckgp:P177>
<!-- (population) -->
<ckgp:P22 rdf:datatype="">10.0</ckgp:P22>
<!-- (altitude) -->
<ckgp:P10 rdf:resource="" />
<!-- ... (part whole relations) -->
<ckgp:P12 rdf:resource="" />
<ckgp:P13 rdf:resource="" />
<ckgp:P14 rdf:resource="" />
<!-- ... (administrative divisions) -->
<ckgp:P18 rdf:resource="" />
<!-- ... (part whole relations) -->
<ckgp:P26 rdf:datatype="">220080.0</ckgp:P26>
<!-- (distance to ocean (meter)) -->
<ckgp:P39 rdf:datatype="">1304.65</ckgp:P39>
<!-- (annual solar radiation (Kwh/m^2)) -->
<ckgp:P48 rdf:resource="" />
<!-- (timezone, dereference to get name and GMT offset) -->
<ckgp:P6 rdf:datatype="">南京市</ckgp:P6>
<ckgp:P6 rdf:datatype=""></ckgp:P6>
<!-- (Wikipedia links) -->
<ckgp:P7 rdf:datatype="">4783</ckgp:P7>
<!-- (Ranking score) -->
<ckgp:P71 rdf:datatype="">16.0081</ckgp:P71>
<!-- (Annual Average Temperature) -->
<ckgp:P75 rdf:nodeID="b239200884" />
<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="b239200884">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<ckgp:P1633 rdf:datatype="">6</ckgp:P1633>
<ckgp:P1634 rdf:datatype="">24.6822</ckgp:P1634>
<!-- ... (Monthly Average Temperature, P1633 is month, P1634 is value (in celsius degree)) -->
<!-- ... (Admin codes) -->
<!-- ... (GeoNames feature codes) -->
<ckgp:P86 rdf:resource="" />
<!-- ... (Climate type) -->
<ckgp:P89 rdf:datatype="">1.30435</ckgp:P89>
<!-- (Annual Total Precipitation) -->
<ckgp:P90 rdf:nodeID="b93031233" />
<rdf:Description rdf:nodeID="b93031233">
<rdf:type rdf:resource="" />
<ckgp:P1630 rdf:datatype="">9</ckgp:P1630>
<ckgp:P1631 rdf:datatype="">0.0631102</ckgp:P1631>
<!-- ... (Monthly Total Precipitation, P1630 is month, P1631 is value (in meters)) -->