nkargas / Gen2-UHF-RFID-Reader

Gen2 UHF RFID reader with USRP and GNU Radio. Tested with USRPN200 and GNU Radio v3.7.4
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Gen2 UHF RFID Reader

This is a Gen2 UHF RFID Reader. It is able to identify commercial Gen2 RFID Tags with FM0 line coding and 40kHz data rate (BLF), and extract their EPC. It requires USRPN200 and a RFX900 or SBX daughterboard.

The project is based on the RFID Gen2 Reader available at https://github.com/ransford/gen2_rfid. The reader borrows elements from the software developed by Buettner, i.e. Data flow: Gate -> Decoder -> Reader as well as the conception regarding the detection of the reader commands. CRC calculation and checking functions were also adapted from https://www.cgran.org/browser/projects/gen2_rfid/.

Implemented GNU Radio Blocks:



How to run



The reader may fail to decode a tag response for the following reasons

1) Latency: For real time execution you should disable the output on the terminal. If you see debug messages, you should either install log4cpp or comment the corresponding lines in the source code e.g., GR_LOG_INFO(d_debug_logger, "EPC FAIL TO DECODE");

2) Antenna placement. Place the antennas side by side with a distance of 50-100cm between them and the tag 2m (it can detect a tag up to 6m) away facing the antennas.

3) Parameter tuning. The most important is self.ampl which controls the power of the transmitted signal (takes values between 0 and 1).

If the reader still fails to decode tag responses, uncomment the following line in reader.py file

self.connect(self.source, self.file_sink_source)

Run the software for a few seconds (~5s). A file will be created in misc/data directory named source. This file contains the received samples. You can plot the amplitude of the received samples using the script located in misc/code folder. The figure should be similar to the .eps figure included in the folder. Plotting the figure can give some indication regarding the problem. You can also plot the output of any block by uncommenting the corresponding line in the reader.py file. Output files will be created in misc/data folder:

Useful discussions that cover common software issues and fixes:





Tested on:

Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit
GNU Radio 3.7.4

If you use this software please cite:

N. Kargas, F. Mavromatis and A. Bletsas, "Fully-Coherent Reader with Commodity SDR for Gen2 FM0 and Computational RFID", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters (WCL), Vol. 4, No. 6, pp. 617-620, Dec. 2015.


Nikos Kargas (email: karga005@umn.edu)

This research has been co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Education and Lifelong Learning of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding Program: THALES-Investing in knowledge society through the European Social Fund.