nkholski / phaser3-es6-webpack

Generic platformer and Phaser 3 bootstrap project
702 stars 141 forks source link

Deploy command not work #10

Closed rexrainbow closed 6 years ago

rexrainbow commented 6 years ago


  1. download project from phaser3-es6-webpack repo
  2. run npm install
  3. run npm run deploy
  4. log:

Phaser3ES6Webpack@1.0.0 deploy D:\work\phaser3\phaser3-es6-webpack webpack --config webpack.production.config.js

Hash: 379fbc1d51360dac6cca Version: webpack 3.8.1 Time: 6704ms Asset Size Chunks Chunk Names bundle.js 119 kB 0 [emitted] app vendor.bundle.js 2.73 MB 1 [emitted] [big] vendor [134] (webpack)/buildin/global.js 488 bytes {1} [built] [506] ./src/sprites/Enemy.js 4.45 kB {0} [built] [507] multi babel-polyfill ./src/main.js 40 bytes {0} [built] [710] ./src/main.js 649 bytes {0} [built] [831] (webpack)/buildin/module.js 495 bytes {1} [built] [1350] ./src/MarioBrosScene.js 18.6 kB {0} [built] [1351] ./src/sprites/Mario.js 10.1 kB {0} [built] [1352] ./src/sprites/Goomba.js 3.78 kB {0} [built] [1353] ./src/sprites/Turtle.js 4.54 kB {0} [built] [1354] ./src/sprites/PowerUp.js 4.98 kB {0} [built] [1355] ./src/sprites/SMBTileSprite.js 3.45 kB {0} [built] [1356] ./src/helpers/animations.js 5.32 kB {0} [built] [1357] multi phaser 28 bytes {1} [built]

ERROR in vendor.bundle.js from UglifyJs Unexpected token: name (fov) [vendor.bundle.js:41229,12] npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno 2 npm ERR! Phaser3ES6Webpack@1.0.0 deploy: webpack --config webpack.production.co nfig.js npm ERR! Exit status 2 npm ERR! npm ERR! Failed at the Phaser3ES6Webpack@1.0.0 deploy script. npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional log ging output above.

rexrainbow commented 6 years ago

Sorry I missed that deploy command was under TODO.

nkholski commented 6 years ago

Yes it's on the TODO-list or rather on the list of stuff I've failed to fix. However, you're right, I should start making issues instead of writing notes now that people actually show interest for the repo. So, let's reopen this!

nkholski commented 6 years ago

Fixed it