nklopstock611 / turing-machine-interpreter

Interpreter for a little Turing Machine like language.
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Interpreter for a little Turing Machine like language.

It consists of a long tape and a head that can move to the left and to the right, and can write and read characters.


Main instructions:

L [n] := (Left) Move one position to the left. Optional param indicates how many "lefts" it moves.

R [n] := (Right) Move one position to the right. Optional param indicates how many "rights" it moves.

W char := (Write)s char on current position.

P := (Print)s (or, reads) char on current position.

HALT := Ends a main block. Every main block has to end with HALT.

Every program consists of one main block and an optional label block. The main block is where the code that will execute goes. The label block is where all the labels and its instructions go.

; main block:
R 2
? '#' label-main-block

; label block:
W '$'
TO label-main-block

Be sure to write the main block of code first and then the labels, because the interpreter reads the code from top to bottom.

It's important to note that after each complete instruction, there must be a new line.

Extra instructions:

? char label := If on current position there is char, go to label.

TO label := Continues the execution where label was called.

S := (Save)s a char.

G := (Get)s the saved char.

C string := (Call)s another Turing Machine. String is the path to the file where the other Turing Machine is.

HC := (Head Currently) Prints the current position of the head.

FT := (Full Tape) Prints the complete tape.

; := Comment. Everything after ; is ignored.

For a more modern feel


Use the S instruction to save the char on the current position of the head. You can later get that char using the G instruction.


W '$' ; writes '$' on 0
R 4
W G ; writes '$' on 4


Use the ? char label instruction to indicate conditions. Use a label to send the execution to that line, depending on the char condition.

Also, use the TO label instruction to continue the execution where label was called.


R 2
? '#' label-go-to-x ; means, if there is a '#' char on current position, go to label-go-to-x
R 3
W '&'

W '$'
TO label-go-to-x ; means, continue where label-go-to-x was called

Loops (move until):

Use the L or R instruction with a char (like so L '$') to indicate that the head has to move to the left or to the right until it finds that char.


HC ; starts at 0
R 4
HC ; moves to 4
W '$' ; writes '$' on 4
P ; reads '$' on 4
L 2
HC ; moves to 2
R '$'
HC ; moves to 4, because the first '$' to the right was on 4
P ; reads '$' on 4

How to run

Clone the repo or download the .zip file. Then, run the following command:

python tm.py examples/<.tm file>

You can add some additional arguments:

--h := (Help) Prints the help message.

--tape-size <size> := (Tape Size) Sets the size of the tape. Default is 256.

--initial-state-char "<char>" := (Initial State Char) Sets the initial char of the tape. Default is '#'.

--show-full-tape := (Show Full Tape) Prints the complete tape after each instruction of the program is executed. The current position of the head is indicated by '[ ]'. Default is False.

--string "<string>" := (String) If you want to pass a string to the program, use this argument. The string will be saved on the tape, starting on position 0.


python tm.py examples/simple-instructions/simple_condition.tm --tape-size 10 --initial-state-char '0' --show-full-tape

Example for string evaluation:

python tm.py examples/deterministic-turing-machines/zero-one-star/zero_one_star.tm --tape-size 10 --show-full-tape --string "0101"