nkurtys / Mastodon-QGAPS

A small web application designed to fetch and display posts from Mastodon, a decentralized social network.
MIT License
1 stars 0 forks source link

Mastodon QGAPS


Step 0

Clone the CC Folder from the main repository onto your local machine.

Step 1

In your favourite IDE create a Python environment and include the requirements.txt file.

For example in VSCode you do the following:

If it does not automatically install the dependencies, install the following using pip:

pip install <dependency>


Step 2

After you installed everything type into the terminal:

python mastscrap.py

Step 3

Now go into your browser and type the following in:

Now you should see the Homepage of the Q-GAPS WebApp! If any errors or questions occur feel free the write an issue or email me directly at natalie_kurtys@hotmail.com.

WIP Folder

Stuff I actively work on, not cleaned up, not commented properly. Not recommended to be read by others.

CC Folder

Clean and commented code. Not being worked on anymore. Can either work with the given script or used as reference material.