nl-design-system / terraform

Infrastructure as code: we configure GitHub via Terraform configuration files
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Terraform for NL Design System

Getting started

On macOS:

  1. Install Homebrew
  2. Install GitHub CLI: brew install gh
  3. Install Terraform:
  4. brew tap hashicorp/tap
  5. brew install hashicorp/tap/terraform

Importing an existing repo

terraform import "github_repository.terraform-playground" "name-of-github-repository-resource"

Fine-grained personal access token

Terraform Cloud

How to stop using cloud services

The following code is responsible for storing the Terraform state in the cloud:

  cloud {
    organization = "nl-design-system"

    workspaces {
      name = "github"

Removing this code should allow you to switch back to storing state in terraform.tfstate.

API Documentation

Contributing: new GitHub user to existing team

  1. Add the github_user to
  2. Add the github_user as one of the members to the existing team in

Contributing: new GitHub team for repo

  1. Create the github_team in
  2. Create a subteam github_team in, with people who should be able to make pull requests. Follow the team name pattern: organization-committer or organization-repository-committer. Specify parent_team_id to extend the organization team.
  3. Create a subteam for maintainers the github_team in Follow the team name pattern: organization-maintainer. Specify parent_team_id to extend the committer team.
  4. Add each user as github_user to
  5. Add github_team_members for the new team in, and specify all users as members. Decide which users go into the committer team, and which users are in the maintainer team.
  6. Add the organization-maintainer team to the terraform github_repository in, so the maintainers are able to make and review Pull Requests.