nl-portal / nl-portal-docker-compose

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Getting started


Starting up

This repository offers two options for starting up the supporting services for NL Portal:

Including all ZGW related services

Execute the following command: docker compose --profile zgw up -d

The following services will be started: Service Mapped port
NL Portal database (postgres) 54321
Keycloak 8082
Keycloak database (postgres) -
Open Zaak 8001
Open Zaak database (postgis) -
Open Klant 8006
Open Klant database (postgis) -
Objecten API 8010
Objecten API database (postgis) -
Objecttypen API 8011
Objecttypen API database (postgres) -
Redis -

Keycloak and database only

Execute the following command: docker compose up -d Service Mapped port
NL Portal database (postgres) 54321
Keycloak 8082
Keycloak database (postgres) -

Updating Openzaak data

There is a script ./imports/open-zaak/resync/ that will automatically create an import script for several tables of OpenZaak. It requires that you install the postgres CLI tool pg_dump found in the postgres CLI tools.

You should only run this script if you have recently upgraded OpenZaak or added new data in OpenZaak you want to make available after clearing the database.