nlp-research / bilm-tf

bilm-tf for nlp-research
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This repository supports both (1) training ELMo representations and (2) using pre-trained ELMo representaions to your new model

Installing packages for training

pip install tensorflow-gpu==1.2 h5py hgtk

Insatlling packaages for using pre-trained ELMo

pip install allennlp hgtk

Using pre-trained ELMo representatinos to your new model

See usr_dir/ for detailed example. Make sure to set n_characters=262 example during prediction in the options.json. See here.

from allennlp.commands.elmo import ElmoEmbedder
import hgtk
import preprocess

options_file = 'path/to/options.json' # Make sure to set n_characters=262
weight_file = 'path/to/weights.hdf5'

elmo = ElmoEmbedder(options_file, weight_file) # create your ELMo class based on weight and option file

sentences = ['밥을 먹자', 'apple은 맛있다']
# normalize, split emj to jaso, add bio tag through preprocess.preprocess_and_tokenize()
preprocessed_sentences = []
for sentence in sentences:
#[['Bㅂㅏㅂ', 'Iㅇㅡㄹ', 'Bㅁㅓㄱ', 'Iㅈㅏ'], ['BA', 'Iㅇㅡㄴ', 'Bㅁㅏㅅ', 'Iㅇㅣㅆ', 'Iㄷㅏ']]

# get ELMo vectors
vectors = elmo.embed_batch(preprocessed_sentences)

# return value 'vectors' is list of tensors.
# Each vector contains each layer of ELMo representations of sentences with shape (number of sentences, number of tokens(emjs), dimension).
# use elmo.embed_senteces(preprocessed_sentences) to return generator instead of list

Training new ELMo model

Launch docker container if the docker is not launched. (Only Once)

cd /path/to/usr_dir/scripts

Install system packages and set datetime and timezone. Run this script inside the docker. (Only Once)

docker attach elmo # if you are not inside of docker
cd /path/to/usr_dir/scripts

Inside the docker, set hyperparameters by editing code in

Edit to set model name (model directory), vocab file path, train file path. Before training, make sure to convert data files from raw format to train format. See

Run inside the docker Print stream to nohoup file for logging (Recommanded).

cd /path/to/usr_dir/scripts
nohoup ./ &

Converting triained model to hdf5 file

Either inside or outside of docker, edit and run to convert trained model to hdf5 file

cd /path/to/usr_dir/scripts

NOTE: Check your model path in /path/to/usr_dir/model/model_name/checkpoint if error occurs when running to convert trained model to hdf5 file.