nlp-titech / samia

Source code for paper "Sampling-based Pseudo-Likelihood for Membership Inference Attacks".
MIT License
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SaMIA: Sampling-based Pseudo-Likelihood for Membership Inference Attacks

This repository contains the source code for SaMIA: Sampling-based Pseudo-Likelihood for Membership Inference Attacks.

Membership Inference Attack (MIA) with SaMIA

Step 1: Generate candidate texts (samples) from LLMs

WikiMIA, a dataset for evaluating MIA, has been placed under the directory wikimia/.

Samples can be generated using the following command:

python src/ --model_name gpt-j-6B --text_length 32 --num_samples 10 --prefix_ratio 0.5


The generated samples will be collected in sample/{model_name}/{text_length}.jsonl.

!Note that in order to use Llama-2-7B, be sure to obtain the permission for access and assign your huggingface token to variable YOUR_HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN.

Step 2: Evaluate SaMIA on LLMs using the generated samples

We evalaute the leakage detection performance of SaMIA based on the surface similarity between generated samples, under the directory sample/, and the original texts, under the directory wikimia/. The surface similarity is measured using ROUGE-N (N=1). Evaluation can be conducted using the following command:

python src/  --model_name gpt-j-6B --text_length 32 --num_samples 10 --prefix_ratio 0.5

Argument model_name, text_length, num_samples, and prefix_ratio functions similarly as in the previous section, with two additional flags available here:

The source code will print AUC-ROC and TPR@10%FPR at stdout.


If you find this repository useful for your research, please cite us with:

      title={Sampling-based Pseudo-Likelihood for Membership Inference Attacks}, 
      author={Masahiro Kaneko and Youmi Ma and Yuki Wata and Naoaki Okazaki},