nlstart / easyshop

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EasyShop - an easy e107 shop plugin with Paypal, PayPal IPN or e-mail checkout

originally distributed as jbShop - by Jesse Burns aka Jakle


Plugin Support Website: [link=][/link]


A plugin for the e107 Website System; visit [link=][/link]

For more plugins visit: [link=][/link]


Author: nlstart


Thank you for using EasyShop. You can show your appreciation and support future development by [link=]donate via PayPal[/link] to NLSTART. Alternatively, send me something from [link=]my Amazon wishlist[/link] to keep me motivated!

Get all out of the EasyShop plugin: buy the [link=]EasyShop 1.4 Manual[/link].

Purpose of the EasyShop plugin

GOAL: Create an easy to set up web shop within e107 that integrates with PayPal checkout or e-mail. Currently HTML PayPal Website Payments Default, PayPal IPN and e-mail checkouts are supported.


What the EasyShop plugin does NOT:


Before actually using PayPal Shopping Cart functionality on your website, you will need the following:




Important Release Candidate information

Release Candidates (recognisable on the abbreviation RC in the download name) are meant to be prelimary distributes before the actual release. Release Candidates of plugins - use at your own risk. All release candidates are tested on e107 v0.7.8 and v.0.7.25. Possible new e107 features might be used and therefore this module might not function correctly on earlier versions, however for e107 0.7.7 this module is expected to run okay. It is strongly advised to test this module before implementing it on a live website.

  1. Fresh install:

    a. Unzip the files. b. Upload the EasyShop plugin files into your 'e107_plugins' folder. Although 'Upload plugin' from the Admin section might work, uploading your plugin files by using an FTP client program is recommended. c. When working on Linux or Unix based server set the CHMOD settings of directories to 755 and set CHMOD of all .php files to 644. d. Login as an administrator into e107, go to Plugin Manager, install EasyShop and you can start defining the settings.

  2. Upgrading

    2a. from jbShop v1.1: First, download a copy of EasyShop 1.2 first, perform the upgrade following the readme.txt instructions from there. After a succesful conversion, overwrite the EasyShop 1.2 files with the EasyShop 1.3 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop.

2b. from EasyShop v1.2x: Overwrite the EasyShop 1.2x files with the EasyShop 1.31 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop. NOTE: this means that EasyShop 1.2x or 1.3 installations have to install and upgrade to 1.31 first before installing 1.4.

2c. from EasyShop v1.3 Overwrite the EasyShop 1.3 files with the EasyShop 1.31 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop. NOTE: this means that EasyShop 1.2x or 1.3 installations have to install and upgrade to 1.31 first before installing 1.4.

2d. from EasyShop v1.31 till v1.33 Overwrite the EasyShop 1.3x files with the EasyShop 1.34 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop. NOTE: this means that EasyShop 1.31 till 1.33 installations have to install and upgrade to 1.34 first before installing 1.4

2e. from EasyShop v1.34 Overwrite the EasyShop 1.34 files with the EasyShop 1.43 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop.

2f. from EasyShop v1.4 till v1.43 Overwrite the EasyShop 1.4x files with the EasyShop 1.54 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop.

2g. from EasyShop v1.5x till v1.54 Overwrite the EasyShop 1.5x files with the EasyShop 1.61 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop.

2h. from EasyShop v1.6x till v1.61 Overwrite the EasyShop 1.6x files with the EasyShop 1.7 files, go to Admin Area > Plugin Manager > perform the upgrade for EasyShop.

Quick Upgrading troubleshooting

If your upgrade to a newer EasyShop version fails in the Plugin Manager, always perform: Admin Area > Database > Check Database validity > Click the box from 'easyshop' and click on the button 'Start Verify'. Select all checkboxes with an error and click the button 'Fix errors' at the bottom of the screen. Note: e107 0.7.8 will give permanent errors on the indexes; this is a bug in the validity check and will not harm the working of the EasyShop plugin.

  1. Language Support:

    English, Bulgarian, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Persian, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Spanish Note: English is included in the default installation. Additional language files can be downloaded from [link=][/link].

You are encouraged to translate EasyShop into your own native language. Contact me through my [link=]contact page[/link] if you want to send a finished and tested translation.

Styling your EasyShop

The following style classes have been introduced to style the Main Category Name, Category Name or Product Name to your own personal preference:

  1. .easyshop_main_cat_name: style the description of the main category (introduced in 1.4)
  2. .easyshop_cat_name: style the description of the category
  3. .easyshop_prod_name: style the description of the product
  4. .easyshop_prod_box: style the description of the left box at product details page
  5. .easyshop_prod_img: style the image within the left box at product details page
  6. .easyshop_nr_of_prod: style the number of products element at the category/product details page (introduced in 1.4)

If you do not specify the styles the size, color, background etc. will be as your regular style settings. Example to add to your style.css of your theme (which will set the font size to twelve pixels for all of the above mentioned descriptions): .easyshop_prod_name, .easyshop_cat_name, .easyshop_main_cat_name { font-size: 12px; } Example to change the border style color to white: fieldset { border-color: #000; } Example to center your product image on the product detail page: .easyshop_prod_img { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }

For theme developers or advanced e107 users: If you want to change the layout of the shop you can copy the file easyshop_templates.php file from the templates folder to your theme folder. Create your changes in the theme copy; the theme template will prevail above the default template. The following templates are available: ES_STORE_CONTAINER: presentation of the EasyShop store header/footer ES_MCAT_TEMPLATE: presentation of a main category ES_ALL_MCAT_TEMPLATE: presentation of all main categories ES_ALLCAT_TEMPLATE: presentation of all categories (automatically displayed when there are no main categories at all of called with easyshop.php?allcat) ES_CAT_TEMPLATE: presentation of a category ES_PROD_TEMPLATE: presentation of a product

Known Bugs


Version 1.7 (EasyShop, August 6, 2012)

Version 1.41 (EasyShop, June 13, 2009)

Version 1.4 (EasyShop, May 27, 2009)

Version 1.34 (EasyShop, March 03, 2009)

Version 1.33 (EasyShop, February 27, 2009)

Version 1.32 (EasyShop, October 31, 2008)

Version 1.31 (EasyShop, August, 27, 2008)

Version 1.3 (EasyShop, July, 26 2008):

Version 1.21 (EasyShop, 12 March 2008)

Version 1.2 (EasyShop, April 2007): RC1: 24 April 2007, RC2: 31 May 2007, RC3: 05 June 2007, RC4: 16 October 2007, RC5: 25 October 2007, RC6: 03 January 2008, RC7: 10 March 2008 final version 1.2 Since jbShop ended at version 1.11, I wanted to continue the sequel. That's why the very first version of EasyShop starts with version number 1.2.

Version 1.11 (jbShop, 01 May 2006):

Version 1.1 (jbShop, 29 Apr 2006):

Version 1.0 (jbShop, 24 April 2006):

Future roadmap


EasyShop is distributed as free open source code released under the terms and conditions of the [link=external=]GNU General Public License[/link].