nmarshall23 / secrets-of-the-chromaticaster-modpack

Files related to my minecraft modpack Secrets of the Chromaticaster
MIT License
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Secrets of the Chromaticaster

You world is in disarray. The magics stopped flowing. You have been sent to discover what ever happened to the Chromaticaster?

You have been tasked with learning Magics both High and Low. Maybe it's not too late to save your World.


This is a Minecraft Modpack. There is a light theme, and quest if you choose to enage it.

It is still in early Alpha.


I took inspration from ModPacks like Regrowth and Material Energy 4.


Content I have created is licensed under the MIT License. This covers the modtweaker scripts, any lore text, configuration customizations, and Quests.

However that License does give anyone permission to distribute a compete build of the pack. You will need to check each mod's distribution licensing.

Also the art assets in /common/resources/customitems/textures/items/ and in the jmod-project/sotc.jmod/assets/sotc.jmod/textures where copied from included mods. I had to create custom items, often because a mod coded that item in a clever but incompatable way. Or because I needed that item not to be a subtype.

List each art file, and the licensing that mod uses. Also the art assets in `jmod-project/sotc.jmod/assets/sotc.jmod/textures`. Textures for tools taken from ThermalFoundation `https://github.com/CoFH/ThermalFoundation`, include the Shears, Invar tools. They are Licenseded under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. Tool Progression ================ Wood - Stone Stone, Flint, Copper, Tin - Copper Ore, Tin Ore Bronze, Iron, Nickel, Gems - Iron Ore, Gold Ore, Redstone Ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore Steel, Steel HSLA, Invar - Diamond Ore Diamond, BedRock - Obsidian, SkyStone Quick Tool Progression Hints ============================ 1. Collect Flint for Tools 2. Collect Clay and Sand. 3. Collect Tin Ore. Craft a **Watering Can**. 4. Collect Copper Ore. Craft a **Basic Grader**. 5. Use Basic Grader to make Tin and Copper dust. Craft 3 Copper dusts for each Tin dust to make Bronze Mix. Smelt Bronze Mix for Bronze Ingots. 6. Craft Bronze PickAxe. 7. Collect Iron Ore. 8. Craft Bucket. 9. Collect Lava. 10. Craft Vat. 11. Craft Tank to transport 16 Buckets of Lava in. 13. Make Burnt Bricks. 14. Craft Bloomery Furnace. 15. Make Wrought Iron lattice. 16. Collect Abyssal stone or Netherack for Netherbrick. 17. Craft Basic Blast Furnace. 18. Make Steel, in Basic Blast Furnace. 19. Collect Diamonds.