NMFTA's Project Bouncer
This is the README for the Bouncer Project.
This RESTful API has implemented features for IP and Geo Location based blocking.
It operates through the UFW firewall.
Changes made to the firewall's database are implimented every minute.
There is no admin or valid user account to start with. Add the --testing flag in the start.sh script to enable the registration page.
RESTful API Description
This repository also hosts the Bouncer RESTful API; in API Blueprint format 1A.
The API is pubished in various forms:
Geo IP Database
The ipv4geolist.csv was downloaded from http://lite.ip2location.com. The list is updated periodically so make sure to download the most recent version to keep the database upto date.
Terms of Use for ipv4geolist.csv can be viewed online at https://lite.ip2location.com/terms-of-use
Client Installation
- Follow the client installation instructions in either
or client/csharp
Server Installation
Bouncer realizes firewall changes by executing ufw
commands. It requires a working UFW installation (probably on Linux). Other server deps
- Python (use
for all package dependencies)
- a webserver to host the management interface and API, e.g. Apache2
Setting up the Appliance
- Follow the appliance installation instructions in
Bouncer Installation Document v1.pdf
- The appliance instructions assume installation on a netgate firewall appliance. You can also install on a Debian distribution following just the steps in section 1.2
Running Bouncer REST API in Apache
- Install Apache2 and enable mod_wsgi
- Install mod_wsgi for Python 3
- sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi-py3
- Copy REST API Configuration file to apache
- cp /opt/bouncer/src/rest_interface.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available
- Update Server Name in configuration file to proper IP Address or DNS
- To support SSL, copy the applicable certificate and configure it in Apache
- Update or add rest_interface.conf file for https
- Enable REST interface and reload Apache configuration
- a2ensite rest_interface.conf
- apache2ctl restart
- make sure firewall.db has write permission
- chmod 646 /opt/bouncer/src/firewall.db