nminchow / black-book

Diablo4 Utility Bot
GNU General Public License v3.0
24 stars 13 forks source link

Diablo Black Book

Black Book is a Discord bot for Blizzard's Diablo IV.

With the bot, you can get notified of upcoming helltide and world boss events, get data on skills and affixes, and look up data on paragon nodes. After adding the bot, use the /help command for a list of functions!

Add Black Book To Your Server

From the work of Lam Essen.


official support server

I monitor issues and PRs, so feel free to ask questions and communicate here as well!

Built With

Local Development/Deployment

If you'd like to deploy the bot yourself:

You'll need a discord application to develop with. You can create one here.

Create a .env file in the root of this directory with the following:

DISCORD_CLIENT_ID=1088608613641232414 # your discord application's client ID
DISCORD_TOKEN="XXX" # your discord application's token
DISCORD_GUILD_ID=989899054815281243 # the guild ID you'd like commands deployed to
GITHUB_TOKEN="XXX" # used to pull data from the gihub api

(optional) If you would like to use the bot's event tracker functionality, you will also need a running supabase project either locally or in the cloud:


Then, install node 16.15 and a version of yarn compatible with the project.

nvm use # if you are an nvm user
npm install --global yarn # if you don't have yarn installed

Then, you should be all set.

To deploy commands:

yarn deploy-commands

To pull an updated version of the skills database:

yarn pull-data

For development of the bot itself using ts directly:

yarn dev

To build and run the compiled version:

yarn build
yarn start