Nikola Mrkšić (
This repository contains the code and data for the method presented in Counter-fitting Word Vectors to Linguistic Constraints. The word vectors which achieve the (present) state of the art (0.74) on the SimLex-999 dataset are included in this repository.
The counter-fitting tool reads all the experiment config parameters from the experiment_parameters.cfg
file in the root directory. An alternative config file can be provided as the first (and only) argument to
The config file specifies:
[default: word_vectors/glove.txt]
[default: lingustic_constraints/vocabulary.txt]
directory contains the synonymy (PPDB 2.0) and antonymy (WordNet and PPDB 2.0) constraints used in our experiments. linguistic_constraints
directory contains the two dialogue ontologies (DSTC2, DSTC3) used in our experiments. The config file also specifies the six hyperparameters of the counter-fitting procedure (set to their default values in experiment_parameters.cfg
The results directory also contains the SimLex-999 dataset (Hill et al., 2014), required to perform the evaluation.
python experiment_parameters.cfg
Running the experiment loads the word vectors specified in the config file and counter-fits them to the provided linguistic constraints. The procedure prints the updated word vectors to the results directory as counter_fitted_vectors.txt
(one word vector per line). The produced ranking and the gold standard ranking for the SimLex-999 pairs are also printed to the results directory.
The word_vectors directory contains the (zipped) GloVe and Paragram-300-SL999 vectors constrained to our vocabulary (these need to be unzipped before the experiments are run). The high-scoring vectors for SimLex-999 can also be found in word_vectors/
(or reproduced by applying counter-fitting to Paragram vectors).
The counter-fitting paper:
author = {Nikola Mrk\v{s}i\'c and Diarmuid {\'O S\'eaghdha} and Blaise Thomson and Milica Ga\v{s}i\'c
and Lina Rojas-Barahona and Pei-Hao Su and David Vandyke and Tsung-Hsien Wen and Steve Young},
title = {Counter-fitting Word Vectors to Linguistic Constraints},
booktitle = {Proceedings of HLT-NAACL},
year = {2016},
If you are using PPDB 2.0 (Pavlick et al., 2015) or WordNet (Miller, 1995) constraints, please cite these papers. If you are using the provided pre-trained vectors, please cite (Pennington et al., 2014) for GloVe vectors and (Wieting et al., 2015) for Paragram-SL-999 vectors.