nmstoker / gatherup

Helps you post essential Python config details to GitHub or Discourse, all beautifully formatted
MIT License
10 stars 1 forks source link

GatherUp :gift:

<img src="./images/logo.png" align="right" alt="GatherUp Logo by NMStoker" width="180" height="120">

GatherUp helps you post essential Python config details to GitHub or Discourse, all beautifully formatted

GatherUp walk-through on YouTube

Asciinema walk-through of GatherUp (has no sound, unlike the YouTube walk-through link above)

How It Works

When something goes wrong or you want to discuss a project, a lot of the useful information is easily found on your computer but it can be tedious to gather it all together and post it neatly in a GitHub Issue or a Discourse Topic.

GatherUp can streamline and automate both the gathering and formatting steps, making this a lot easier, resulting in well formatted and helpful posts.

It focuses on the basic / common parts of your Python configuration, leaving you to craft the rest for anything more bespoke and to flesh out a meaningful question or comment (don't skimp on this last part! :slightly_smiling_face:)


It has several command line options and offers built-in multi-lingual instructions in the terminal (please see Translation if you can help translate it into more languages)

There are four basic steps:

  1. Answer some config related questions in the terminal
  2. Copy the block of text (between the brightly coloured markers)
  3. Paste the text into GitHub or Discourse
  4. Edit if necessary and submit

Because it's working for you, and because you post the text as the final step, if there's anything you want to change or cut out, it's easy to do so, either by skipping the question all together or editing the text you'll post right before submitting it.

Usage: gatherup [OPTIONS]

  GatherUp helps you post essential Python config details to GitHub or
  Discourse, all beautifully formatted

  -d, --debug               Show debug information during usage.
  -n, --no_instruct         Suppress question for / display of instructions.
  -l, --lang [en|de|fr|hi]  Select language for instructions (ISO_639-1).
  -p, --project TEXT        Select project name (uses details, where found, in

  -m, --demo                Demo of formatted output using built-in example files
  -s, --setup               Setup user config file and offer to install example
                            files in app directory

  --version                 Show the version and exit.
  --help                    Show this message and exit.


With pipx

Installing via pipx means you can run GatherUp anywhere, just by using the command "gatherup" and any of the options.

  1. Install pipx as per their installation instructions
  2. Run pipx install gatherup - that's it :tada:

With pip

You may well want to do this from within a virtual environment.

From source

You may well want to do this from within a virtual environment.


:vertical_traffic_light: As it is intended as a small time-saver, several things are out of scope.

Some are out of scope for the foreseeable future, as I don't expect to develop them, and others are out of scope just because I am keen to get the basics working well first before expanding.

Remember that this is meant to save you time, so we mustn't be tempted to go down every rabbit hole! :hole::rabbit2:

Short term limits

Currently it has had limited testing on Windows 10, with more involved testing on Arch Linux and Raspberry Pi OS. It is untested on Mac and other Linux variants - if it can be made to work on any/all of these that would be great, but I would expect that to be gradual.

Longer term limits / out of scope

Whilst the information it gathers is not set in stone, I am wary of extending it to cover too broad a range of scenarios: better to do a common core well than a huge swathe poorly and unreliably.

I am also strongly against anything that would appear to invade user privacy with the tool - the ethos is for the user to be in the driving seat, making informed decisions about what (if anything) they share.


My hope is to get good coverage of major languages with the translations of the instructions (and in future the Question UI too).

If you are able to help or can recommend someone happy to volunteer then see TRANSLATING.md for more details.

More Details


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