nmusolino / codeowners

Tool for identifying the owners of files under Github's CODEOWNERS feature.
GNU General Public License v3.0
2 stars 1 forks source link

========== codeowners

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/codeowners.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/codeowners

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/nmusolino/codeowners.svg :target: https://travis-ci.org/nmusolino/codeowners

.. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/codeowners/badge/?version=latest :target: https://codeowners.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest :alt: Documentation Status

Utility for identifying the owners of files under Github's CODEOWNERS feature.

Github repository users can designate code owners_ for files within their repos. Code owners are automatically added as reviewers of pull requests, and, optionally, their approval is required to merge pull requests for designated branches.

.. _code owners: https://blog.github.com/2017-07-06-introducing-code-owners/

As detailed in Github's documentation, CODEOWNERS files are very similar to .gitignore files.

.. _Github's documentation: https://help.github.com/articles/about-codeowners/

The codeowners utility is intended to help developers working with this feature::

$ codeowners src/mylib.h src/main.c src/mylib.h: @psmith @rgonzalez src/main.c: @psmith @njohnson


List owners of each file in a repository::

$ codeowners notes.txt src/ tests/ notes.txt: @agreen src/mylib.h: @psmith @rgonzalez

Identify the specific pattern in the CODEOWNERS file that designates owners::

$ codeowners --verbose src/mylib.h .github/CODEOWNERS:37: src/**.h: src/mylib.h: @psmith @rgonzalez

Identify all the owners of files modified by git commits::

$ codeowners --commits c0f5855954ce47f93cce353d4d9b9a9e2a92b9a5 [...] $ codeowners --commits my_feature_branch [...]


This is free software. It is made available under the GNU General Public License v3.


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the elgertam/cookiecutter-pipenv project template, based on audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage_.

.. Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter .. elgertam/cookiecutter-pipenv: https://github.com/elgertam/cookiecutter-pipenv .. _audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage