nmwsharp / diffusion-net

Pytorch implementation of DiffusionNet for fast and robust learning on 3D surfaces like meshes or point clouds.
MIT License
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DiffusionNet is a general-purpose method for deep learning on surfaces such as 3D triangle meshes and point clouds. It is well-suited for tasks like segmentation, classification, feature extraction, etc.

Why try DiffusionNet?

DiffusionNet is described in the paper "DiffusionNet: Discretization Agnostic Learning on Surfaces", by

network diagram



DiffusionNet depends on pytorch, as well as a handful of other fairly typical numerical packages. These can usually be installed manually without much trouble, but alternately a conda environment file is also provided (see conda documentation for additional instructions). These package versions were tested with CUDA 10.1 and 11.1.

conda env create --name diffusion_net -f environment.yml

The code assumes a GPU with CUDA support. DiffusionNet has minimal memory requirements; >4GB GPU memory should be sufficient.

Applying DiffusionNet to your task

The DiffusionNet class can be applied to meshes or point clouds. The basic recipe looks like:

import diffusion_net

# Here we use Nx3 positions as features. Any other features you might have will work!
# See our experiments for the use of of HKS features, which are naturally 
# invariant to (isometric) deformations.
C_in = 3

# Output dimension (e.g., for a 10-class segmentation problem)
C_out = 10 

# Create the model
model = diffusion_net.layers.DiffusionNet(
            C_width=128, # internal size of the diffusion net. 32 -- 512 is a reasonable range
            last_activation=lambda x : torch.nn.functional.log_softmax(x,dim=-1), # apply a last softmax to outputs 
                                                                                  # (set to default None to output general values in R^{N x C_out})

# An example epoch loop.
# For a dataloader example see experiments/human_segmentation_original/human_segmentation_original_dataset.py
for sample in your_dataset:

    verts = sample.vertices  # (Vx3 array of vertices)
    faces = sample.faces     # (Fx3 array of faces, None for point cloud) 

    # center and unit scale
    verts = diffusion_net.geometry.normalize_positions(verts)

    # Get the geometric operators needed to evaluate DiffusionNet. This routine 
    # automatically populates a cache, precomputing only if needed.
    # TIP: Do this once in a dataloader and store in memory to further improve 
    # performance; see examples.
    frames, mass, L, evals, evecs, gradX, gradY = \
        get_operators(verts, faces, op_cache_dir='my/cache/directory/')

    # this example uses vertex positions as features 
    features = verts

    # Forward-evaluate the model
    # preds is a NxC_out array of values
    outputs = model(features, mass, L=L, evals=evals, evecs=evecs, gradX=gradX, gradY=gradY, faces=faces)

    # Now do whatever you want! Apply your favorite loss function, 
    # backpropgate with loss.backward() to train the DiffusionNet, etc. 

See the examples in experiments/ for complete examples, including dataloaders, other features, optimizers, etc. Please feel free to file an issue to discuss applying DiffusionNet to your problem!

Tips and Tricks

By default, DiffusionNet uses spectral acceleration for fast performance, which requires some CPU-based precomputation to compute operators & eigendecompositions for each input, which can take a few seconds for moderately sized inputs. DiffusionNet will be fastest if this precomputation only needs to be performed once for the dataset, rather than for each input.


Parts of this work were generously supported by the Fields Institute for Mathematics, the Vector Institute, ERC Starting Grant No. 758800 (EXPROTEA) the ANR AI Chair AIGRETTE, a Packard Fellowship, NSF CAREER Award 1943123, an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship, and gifts from Activision Blizzard, Adobe, Disney, Facebook, and nTopology. The dataset loaders mimic code from HSN, pytorch-geometric, and probably indirectly from other sources too. Thank you!