nnmrec / naca456

revival of the naca456 program, an accurate method to compute NACA 4, 5, and 6 series airfoil coordinates
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Quickly, to compile naca456 use:

gfortran naca456.f90 -o naca456

From the same directory as the naca456 compiled program, you may wish to create a symbolic link, so naca456 can be called easily from any directory:

ln -s naca456 /home/$USER/bin/naca456

Then to run the program, specify the input file as a command line argument:

naca456 samples/4415_danny.nml

The program should run and produce 3 output files: .dbg .out *.gnu

There is a helper Matlab script that reads the relevant part of the naca456 output files, and can be used to create input files for various other programs, such as: xfoil mses openfoam starccm+

These programs above produce the Lift and Drag polars from the airfoil coordinates

Additionally, can write input files for: harp_opt co-blade