nnstreamer / nnstreamer

:twisted_rightwards_arrows: Neural Network (NN) Streamer, Stream Processing Paradigm for Neural Network Apps/Devices.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
683 stars 171 forks source link
ai android caffe2 gstreamer gstreamer-plugins hacktoberfest intelligence linux-foundation neural-network tensorflow tizen ubuntu yocto


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Neural Network Support as Gstreamer Plugins.

NNStreamer is a set of Gstreamer plugins that allow Gstreamer developers to adopt neural network models easily and efficiently and neural network developers to manage neural network pipelines and their filters easily and efficiently.

Architectural Description (WIP)

Toward Among-Device AI from On-Device AI with Stream Pipelines, IEEE/ACM ICSE 2022 SEIP
NNStreamer: Efficient and Agile Development of On-Device AI Systems, IEEE/ACM ICSE 2021 SEIP [media]
NNStreamer: Stream Processing Paradigm for Neural Networks ... [pdf/tech report]
GStreamer Conference 2018, NNStreamer [media] [pdf/slides]
Naver Tech Talk (Korean), 2018 [media] [pdf/slides]
Samsung Developer Conference 2019, NNStreamer (media)
ResearchGate Page of NNStreamer

Official Releases

Tizen Ubuntu Android Yocto macOS
5.5M2 and later 16.04/18.04/20.04/22.04 9/P Kirkstone
arm armv7l badge Available Available Ready N/A
arm64 aarch64 badge Available android badge yocto badge N/A
x64 x64 badge ubuntu badge Ready Ready Available
x86 x86 badge N/A N/A Ready N/A
Publish Tizen Repo PPA Daily build Layer Brew Tap
API C/C# (Official) C Java C C





Note that this project has just started and many of the components are in design phase. In Component Description page, we describe nnstreamer components of the following three categories: data type definitions, gstreamer elements (plugins), and other misc components.

Getting Started

For more details, please access the following manuals.


CI Server

AI Acceleration Hardware Support

Although a framework may accelerate transparently as Tensorflow-GPU does, nnstreamer provides various hardware acceleration subplugins.


Contributions are welcome! Please see our Contributing Guide for more details.