no-stack-dub-sack / apexdox-vs-code

A lightweight VS Code extension that makes documenting your Salesforce Apex files an easy, integrated experience.
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ApexDox VS Code

ApexDox is A fast, reliable, and configurable documentation generator for Salesforce Apex .cls files, that works with both DX and non-DX projects. ApexDox uses a JSDoc-like inline comment syntax. Simply tell ApexDox where your class files are, and it will generate a set of static HTML pages that fully document each class/class file, including its properties, methods, enums, and annotations.


If you're interested in contributing or have a question, join us on our discord server!


Short Demo

Table of Contents

ApexDox Sample Documentation

Check out our ApexDox sample docs to get a feel for what ApexDox documentation looks like: The repository that these docs were created from lives here. If you'd like to easily test out different settings, install the extension and clone the repo; the settings are checked-in in the .vscode/settings.json file. Run ApexDox: Run from the command pallette, and ApexDox: Open Docs to generate new documentation and preview your changes locally.


You can launch the following commands via the command pallette (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P):

Create/Preview Docs

Auto-Stub Comment Blocks

Auto-stubbing comment blocks allows you to quickly document your class files with minimal effort. The appearance/style of comment stubs can be configured using the settings described in the next section. Auto-stub commands can be invoked in two ways:

Favicon & Logo Customization

To use your own favicon and logo (for the sidebar's 'Project Splash'), include files named logo.png and favicon.png in the apexdox.engine.assets array in .vscode/settings.json (or in the corresponding array of either .apexdoxrc or apexdox.yml). This will overwrite the existing files. You can read more about this and other ApexDox settings in the next section.

Extension Settings

The extension's settings can be configured using .vscode/settings.json, which optimally takes advantage of built-in VS Code intellisense. Alternatively, if you would like to check your config into source control, and minimize the risk of sharing unwanted VS Code settings across users, you can also use an .apexdoxrc (JSON) or apexdox.yml (YAML) file. If multiple configuration files happen to be present, the order of precedence is as follows:

  1. apexdox.yml
  2. .apexdoxrc
  3. settings.json

The ${workspaceFolder} Variable

For any setting that refers to a path on your file system, you should use the variable ${workspaceFolder} to refer to the root folder of your project. If you have a multi-root setup, you can use ${workspaceFolder:directory-name} to indicate the correct directory.

To avoid confusion, please note that this is not a supported VS Code feature. VS Code does support this and other variables in other settings files, however, in this case, ApexDox VS Code handles the necessary replacements in settings.json, .apexdoxrc and in apexdox.yml to make checking config into source control and sharing across machines easier.

Documentation Engine Settings

Use these settings to configure the ApexDox documentation engine.

an absolute path of a folder location which ApexDox will recursively scan for .cls files (i.e. if given the path to folder foo, ApexDox will pick up classes located in foo/bar, foo/bar/baz, foo/qux, etc.), and optionally a sourceUrl key, A URL where the .cls source files are hosted (so ApexDox can provide links to your source code throughout the documentation - confirmed to work with GitHub), usually the repo's main branch: 'https:\//'. Note that for this feature to work correctly, you must use the ${workspaceFolder} variable in your path.

Setting Type Description Default
apexdox.engine.source { path: string, sourceUrl?: string }[] An array of source objects, each containing the required key path, and an optional sourceUrl. See individual settings for more details. If omitted, ApexDox VS Code will default this setting to a single entry with the path key defaulting to ${workspaceFolder}/src/classes for non-DX projects, and ${workspaceFolder}/force-app/main/default/classes for DX.
apexdoc.engine.source.path string An absolute path of a folder location which ApexDox will recursively scan for .cls files (i.e. if given the path to folder classes, ApexDox will pick up classes located in classes/test, classes/test/utils, classes/utils, etc.). For all features to work correctly, please use the ${workspaceFolder} variable in your path string, e.g. ${workspaceFolder}/force-app/main/default/classes/. ${workspaceFolder}/src/classes for non-DX projects, and ${workspaceFolder}/force-app/main/default/classes for DX.
apexdoc.engine.source.sourceUrl string An optional URL where the .cls source files are hosted (So ApexDox can create links to your source code throughout the documentation. This feature is confirmed to work with Github and should work with similar hosting services as well.). Usually the repo's main branch: Note that for this feature to work correctly, you must use the ${workspaceFolder} variable in your apexdoc.engine.source.path setting. undefined
apexdox.engine.targetDirectory string The Absolute path of the folder location where ApexDox documentation will be generated to. ${workspaceFolder}/apex-documentation/
apexdox.engine.includes string[] A case-sensitive array of file names and/or wildcard patterns that indicate which files in your source directory should be documented. Only simple leading and trailing wildcards are supported. E.g. [ "NotificationsEmailer.cls", "*TriggerHandler.cls", "Contact*" ] will result in the file 'NotificationsEmailer.cls' being processed, as well as any files that begin with 'Contact' or end with 'TriggerHandler.cls'. An empty array is treated as 'include all'. []
apexdox.engine.excludes string[] A case-sensitive array of file names and/or wildcard patterns that indicate which files in your source directory should NOT be documented. Only simple leading and trailing wildcards are supported. E.g. [ "NotificationsEmailer.cls", "*TriggerHandler.cls", "Contact*" ] will result in all files being processed EXCEPT 'NotificationsEmailer.cls' and those begin with 'Contact' or end with 'TriggerHandler.cls'. Note that files are excluded before they are included, so keep this in mind when using 'includes' and 'excludes' together. An empty array is treated as 'exclude none'. []
apexdox.engine.homePagePath string An absolute path of an HTML file that contains the project's 'home page' markup. Only the markup inside the <body> tags will be used, or if the file contains only a partial HTML page, e.g. <h2>Cool!</h2>, the entire contents will be used.
apexdox.engine.scope string[] An array of access modifier scopes to document. [ 'global', 'public', 'protected', 'private', 'testMethod', 'webService' ]
apexdox.engine.title string The value for the output HTML's <title> attribute, as well as the header text for the sidebar's banner / logo section. Apex Documentation
apexdox.engine.subtitle string The subtitle for the sidebar's banner / logo section. Powered by ApexDox
apexdox.engine.showTOCSnippets boolean If set to false, ApexDox will hide the method's description snippet in the class's table of contents. true
apexdox.engine.sortOrder 'logical' \| 'alpha' The order in which class methods, properties, and inner classes are presented to the user in your documentation. Either 'logical', the order they appear in the source file, or 'alpha', alphabetically. alpha
apexdox.engine.assets string[] An array of absolute paths of files you would like to be included in the target directory's 'assets' folder (this is where ApexDox keeps its JavaScript, CSS, and images). For instance, if you'd like to include images in your banner, home page, or class group HTML files, include their path's here, and set the <img> tag's src attribute to be ./assets/yourImage.png. If you'd like to override the default favicon, include a file named favicon.png in your assets array. []
apexdox.engine.pages string[] An array of absolute paths of non-ApexDox generated HTML files that you'd like to be available to your documentation. These files will be placed in your target directory alongside generated HTML files. For example, if you'd like to link to a page from your project's home page or from one of it's class group pages, include that page here. If your file's name is MyCoolPage.html, you can then link to it with href=\"./MyCoolPage.html\". []
apexdox.engine.cleanDir boolean If set to true, ApexDox will run remove any files or folders in your target directory before creating your docs. false
apexdox.engine.port number The port number that the ApexDox: Open Docs command will serve your docs on. 8080

Comment Block Settings

Use these settings to configure the appearance of ApexDox comment block stubs (see the commands section for how to contextually stub a comment block).

Setting Type Description Default
apexdox.docblock.alignItems boolean Vertically align anything after an ApexDox @tag. false
apexdox.docblock.omitDescriptionTag boolean ApexDox @description tags are optional. Set this to false to include them in the comment block stub. true
apexdox.docblock.spacious boolean When set to true ApexDox comment block stubs will add an empty line after the description line and before the next tag. false

Minimum Settings Example

This is all that's required to run apexdox. Technically, you could skip this too, and if your project is a standard DX or Salesforce project, the defaults should pick up your source files, but it's better to be explicit.


    "apexdox.engine.targetDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}\\documentation",
    "apexdox.engine.source": [{
        "path": "${workspaceFolder}\\src\\classes"


  targetDirectory: "${workspaceFolder}/documentation"
    - path: "${workspaceFolder}/src/classes"


  "engine": {
    "targetDirectory": "${workspaceFolder}/documentation",
    "source": [{
      "path": "${workspaceFolder}/src/classes"

Expanded Settings Example

See our sample project for more complex configuration examples of all three config file flavors.

Documenting Class Files

ApexDox scans each class file, and looks for comment blocks with special tags (identified by @ similar to JS and JavaDoc), to find the documentation to include for a given class, interface, enum, method, or property. The comment blocks must always begin with /**, end with */, and can cover multiple lines (each subsequent line must begin with * or whitespace and then *). Here's an example of the most basic ApexDox comment block:

 * @description This is the description!

Documentation Tags

Note that in the table below, the 'Class' column includes any top-level types that live within a .cls file, including interfaces and enums. Tags are all optional and are located in the lines above the type's declaration.

Tag Description Class Method Enum Property
@description A description or overview of the code you are documenting. Y Y Y Y
@group The group to display a class under in the menu hierarchy. Un-grouped classes will be placed under 'Miscellaneous'. Y N N N
@group-content A relative path (to the project's root directory) to a static HTML file that provides content about the class group. The group's menu item will be hyperlinked to this content, which will be parsed and placed into the documentation's content window. Only one group-content tag is required for all classes in the group. Y N N N
@author The author of a class, a class feature, a class defect fix, a method, a method feature, a method defect fix, etc. Normally this is followed by one or more @since attributes to create a change log. Y Y N N
@since The date a class or method or feature was implemented or updated optionally followed by a description of the change. This typically follows and @author attribute to create a change log. Y Y N N
@deprecated Indicates class or method should no longer be used; message should indicate replacement path. Y Y N N
@example Example code usage. There may only be one @example tag per class or method. Start your example on the line below the tag. Code will be given syntax highlighting complements of highlight.js and be wrapped in <pre><code> tags to preserve whitespace. Y Y N N
@param param name A description of what a method's parameter does. N Y N N
@return Standard description of a method's return value. N Y N N
@returns Non-standard way to add description of a method's return value. [deprecated] N Y N N
@exception A description of or list of exceptions that a method throws. N Y N N
@see A URL, markdown URL (e.g. '[ApexDox](', or fully qualified class or method name. The latter creates link(s) to that class or method in the documentation. The name must be a fully qualified name, even if its a reference to another method in the same class, e.g. 'Class.Method', 'Class.InnerClass', 'Class.InnerClass.InnerClassMethod'. For overloaded constructors and methods, the @see tag accepts a special syntax: 'MyClass.MyInnerClass.MyOverloadedMethod[3]' where '3' is a zero based index indicating the overloaded method to link to (this would indicate the 4th overload of MyOverloadedMethod). When a link cannot be made, a tooltip will be shown on hover. There may be more than one @see tag per class / method. Y Y N N

Special Tokens

In addition to the @tags listed above, there are a few other special tokens to be aware of:

Token Description
{@link} Unlike the @see tag, this syntax can be used in the text of any other tag to create inline links throughout your documentation. It accepts the same kinds of links as the @see tag (URL, markdown URL, or fully qualified class or method name; see @see description above), e.g. {@link MyClass.MyInnerClass.MyOverloadedMethod[3]} or {@link}
` ` Backticks, ` `, can be used to indicate inline code within your ApexDox comments. E.g. `String cool = 'cool!';` — the expression within the backticks will be formatted as code.

HTML Tag Support

A limited set of HTML tags are valid within documentation comments. Those tags include: Tag Description
<b> or <b /> Line breaks
<ul></ul> Unordered list
<ol></ol> Ordered list
<li></li> List item
<strong></strong> Bold
<b></b> Bold alternative
<em></em> Italic
<i></i> Italic alternative
<s></s> Strike through
<u></u> Underline

Class Comments (includes class-level Interfaces and Enums)

Located in the lines above any top-level type that lives within a .cls file, or in the lines above inner classes and interfaces.

Class Comment Example

You can create a full revision history by sequencing @author and @since attributes appropriately:

   * @description 
   * A class that does cool things.
   * @author John Smith 
   * @since 2022-06-01 Created
   * @since 2022-07-02 Added cool things
   * @author Jane Doe 
   * @since 2022-06-03 Added a standard constructor
   * @since 2022-07-05 Fixed cool things

Method Comments

In order for ApexDox to best identify class methods, the method line must contain an explicit access modifier / scope: global, public, private, testMethod, webService (some implicitly private methods can be detected, but be wary of this. See the note on implicit privacy in the Tips section below).

Method Comment Example

Like a class itself, you can create a change log for a method using @author and @since tags in sequence.

Property and Inner Enum Comments

These are the simplest comment blocks. They only support description tags (the tag itself may optionally be omitted for brevity). For properties to be detected by ApexDox, they must be given an explicit access modifier or have signatures beginning with the static keywork. Other implicitly private properties will not be detected.

Prop / Inner Enum Comment Example


Known Issues

ApexDox2 uses some modern HTML5 tags and JavaScript features, so unfortunately Internet Explorer is not supported (namely <summary> and <details> for easy, script-less collapsible menus and sections).


ApexDox VS Code is a complete TypeScript re-write of a Java project, originally maintained by Salesforce. After spending a considerable amount of time enhancing the Java project, originally intended for re-release as ApexDoc2 (a command line tool), I decided that given the current state of Apex/Salesforce development, abandoning that in favor of a VS Code extension made much more sense. That being said, TypeScript was the obvious choice. In addition to re-writing (and in many cases modifying, and hopefully improving!) all of the program's core logic, several major enhancements to the original have been made, including new features that take advantage of the VS Code eco-system.

I hope you enjoy the new and improved ApexDox VS Code!


To build your own version of this extension from source code see Testing Extension and Publishing Extension in the visual studio documentation.

Quick Start

To get started, clone the repo and install the packages:

git clone
cd apexdox-vs-code
code .

To run the extension, press F5, or click on "Run & Debug" and choose "Run Extension" from the dropdown. This should open a new window where ApexDox commands will be available. To test your changes, restart using CTRL + SHIFT + F5.

To run the extension's tests, first compile your changes by running yarn compile, then select "Extension Tests" from the "Run & Debug" dropdown. If changes you've made affect the documentation output, please verify that the output looks correct, and then update snapshots to get the tests to pass: yarn update-snapshots. Snapshot tests are meant to highlight changes to the expected documentation output and should be carefully inspected before getting updated to ensure that unexpected or unwanted changes aren't committed.