noahaguilera / VideoGameCollectionTracker

Keep track of your games across all gaming platforms
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Noah Aguilera Individual Project

Problem Statement

Since the creation of video games in the early 70s there have been hundreds of game systems and over a million games created for them. So keeping track of all your games is becoming harder and harder as more systems and games come out daily. Some newer systems released let you keep track of all your digitally owned games but its a lot harder to keep track of your physically owned discs.

So my solution to the problem is to have a site that you can enter in all your games for all your systems. What sets my site apart from the many of other video game collection sites is that mine will have the option to choose if you own the game physically or digitially which many of the sites don't have. Another thing is the amount of ways you can add a game to your collection, as a mvp I want the user to be able to search the game up or be able to enter it manually, but I would like to take it a step further by allowing the user to enter their platform info and have their games list auto imported into the collection.

Project Technologies/Techniques


Project Plan

Examples of documentation of progress, reflections, and time spent on this class



Website Link

Link to video demo
