noahgorstein / jqp

A TUI playground to experiment with jq
MIT License
2.19k stars 40 forks source link
go jq tui


a TUI playground for exploring jq.


This application utilizes itchyny's implementation of jq written in Go, gojq.



brew install noahgorstein/tap/jqp


sudo port install jqp

Arch Linux

Available through the Arch User Repository as jqp-bin.

yay -S jqp-bin

Snap install

Snap Status

sudo snap install jqp

GitHub releases

Download the relevant asset for your operating system from the latest GitHub release. Unpack it, then move the binary to somewhere accessible in your PATH, e.g. mv ./jqp /usr/local/bin.

Build from source

Clone this repository, build from source with cd jqp && go build, then move the binary to somewhere accessible in your PATH, e.g. mv ./jqp /usr/local/bin.


➜ jqp --help
jqp is a terminal user interface (TUI) for exploring the jq command line utility.

You can use it to run jq queries interactively. If no query is provided, the interface will prompt you for one.

The command accepts an optional query argument which will be executed against the input JSON or newline-delimited JSON (NDJSON).
You can provide the input JSON or NDJSON either through a file or via standard input (stdin).

  jqp [query] [flags]

      --config string   path to config file (default is $HOME/.jqp.yaml)
  -f, --file string     path to the input JSON file
  -h, --help            help for jqp
  -t, --theme string    jqp theme
  -v, --version         version for jqp

jqp also supports input from STDIN. STDIN takes precedence over the command-line flag. Additionally, you can pass an optional query argument to jqp that it will execute upon loading.

➜ curl "" | jqp '.[] | {"title": .title, "url": .url}'

[!NOTE] Valid JSON or NDJSON (newline-delimited JSON) can be provided as input to jqp.


Keybinding Action
tab cycle through sections
shift-tab cycle through sections in reverse
ctrl-y copy query to system clipboard[^1]
ctrl-s save output to file (copy to clipboard if file not specified)
ctrl-c quit program / kill long-running query

Query Mode

Keybinding Action
enter execute query
/ cycle through query history
ctrl-a go to beginning of line
ctrl-e go to end of line
/ctrl-b move cursor one character to left
/ctrl-f move cursor one character to right
ctrl-k delete text after cursor line
ctrl-u delete text before cursor
ctrl-w delete word to left
ctrl-d delete character under cursor

Input Preview and Output Mode

Keybinding Action
↑/k up
↓/j down
ctrl-u page up
ctrl-d page down


jqp can be configured with a configuration file. By default, jqp will search your home directory for a YAML file named .jqp.yaml. A path to a YAML configuration file can also be provided to the --config command-line flag.

➜ jqp --config ~/my_jqp_config.yaml < data.json

If a configuration option is present in both the configuration file and the command-line, the command-line option takes precedence. For example, if a theme is specified in the configuration file and via -t/--theme flag, the command-line flag will take precedence.

Available Configuration Options

  name: "nord" # controls the color scheme
  chromaStyleOverrides: # override parts of the chroma style
    kc: "#009900 underline" # keys use the chroma short names


Themes can be specified on the command-line via the -t/--theme <themeName> flag. You can also set a theme in your configuration file.

  name: "monokai"
Screen Shot 2022-10-02 at 5 31 40 PM

Chroma Style Overrides

Overrides to the chroma styles used for a theme can be configured in your configuration file.

For the list of short keys, see chroma.StandardTypes. To see which token to use for a value, see the JSON lexer (look for <token> tags). To see the color and what's used in the style you're using, look for your style in the chroma styles directory.

  name: "monokai" # name is required to know which theme to override
    kc: "#009900 underline"

You can change non-syntax colors using the styleOverrides key:

    primary: "#c4b28a"
    secondary: "#8992a7"
    error: "#c4746e"
    inactive: "#a6a69c"
    success: "#87a987"

Themes are broken up into light and dark themes. Light themes work best in terminals with a light background and dark themes work best in a terminal with a dark background. If no theme is specified or a non-existent theme is provided, the default theme is used, which was created to work with both terminals with a light and dark background.

Light Themes

Dark Themes

Built with:


[^1]: jqp uses for clipboard functionality. Things should work as expected with OSX and Windows. Linux, Unix require xclip or xsel to be installed.