noaignite / create-ignite-app

Boilerplate for React with Next.js and MUI
17 stars 2 forks source link
material-ui nextjs react

Creating a new NoA Ignite project

(Explain why monorepo... Playground for packages... etc.)

Creating a new monorepo

Start by creating a monorepo project with Turborepo from Vercel. A guide for this can be found at If you plan on working with TailwindCSS in your project then make sure to initialize your project with the tailwind template.

npx create-turbo@latest -e with-tailwind -m pnpm

Installing the NoA Ignite docs

Storybook is a popular way to build UI components in an isolated environment. By putting Storybook into your Turborepo, you can easily develop your design system right alongside your applications. A guide for this can be found at

cd my-project/apps
rm -rf docs
npx @noaignite/create-app docs

Read the NoA Ignite docs

Make sure to read the Getting Started section in the docs for additional setup instructions. To open the docs run the command below:

pnpm dev