noam-honig / trempim

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Trempim app

This project uses Postgres for the db, node js for the server and angular for the frontend.

It uses the ([] for fullstack end-to-end data manipulation.

Here's a (short talk about remult given in Node TLV 2023)[]

To work on this project:

  1. please copy the .env.sample to .env
  2. Update the DATABASE_URL to your postgres database
  3. Create an empty dbschema called dshinua
  4. npm i
  5. npm run dev
  6. navigate to http://localhost:4200/test1
  7. Sign in with your phone number, the OTP will appear in the terminal - and you're good to go.

For deployment you'll also need an sms account, and google maps api keys

Feel free to contact me, I'll be happy to help you set it up: Noam Honig +972507330590