Narma allows you to unit test NodeJS and all it's node_modules with Karma and Jasmine (or what have you)
Node runs natively in NW.JS and I kinda like Karma (and Jasmine). So I thought to write a script launcher and unit test my node code in a nodewebkit browser.
To install:
npm install
npm install -g nodewebkit
install the cli globally
npm install -g karma-cli
To run, you must change the path to the launcher script in karam.conf.js
Use bat launcher for windows
Use bash launcher for all the rest
Make sure you use an absolute path and front slashes on windows too.
and then run:
karma start
Checkout test/test.js and app/weserver.js to see exapmles of what you can do.
You can start a web server, read from the file system and use jQuery, inside a Jasmine suite
describe('somthing to test',function(){
it('should be ok',function(done){
var http = require('http');
var server = http.createServer(function(req,res){
var fs = require('fs');