noclocks / NoClocksVault

No Clocks, LLC Obsidian Knowledge Vault
The Unlicense
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business digital-garden knowledge-base obsidian obsidian-md pkm strategy

creation_date: 2024-03-17 modification_date: 2024-03-17 author: Jimmy Briggs tags:

No Clocks Knowledge Vault

Website | GitHub Repo

Curated Knowledge for the Masses |


Welcome to the Knowledge Vault for No Clocks, LLC.

Inside is a wealth of knowledge curated over our tenure as a business while pursuing and widening our knowledge across the technology sector.

The vault is structured loosely as a Zettelkasten, or a collection of interlinked Atomic Notes about anything that has resonated with our work and was deemed worthy of including.

Consider this a [Digital Garden](). It is a garden that needs to be maintained and cared for overtime to produce fruitful outcomes.

title: Contents 
style: nestedList # TOC style (nestedList|inlineFirstLevel)
minLevel: 1 # Include headings from the specified level
maxLevel: 4 # Include headings up to the specified level
includeLinks: true # Make headings clickable
debugInConsole: false # Print debug info in Obsidian console


Check out the 05-SYSTEM/Obsidian Folder for details about this Obsidian Vault and its setup.

Some notes:

The Changelog is also a good Meta resource.

Launch this vault directly via the Obsidian URI Schema: obsidian://open?vault=NoClocksVault.


Publishing Setup

Check out the various [GitHub Actions] utilized to enable this entire process.

Maps of Content

If this vault serves as my version of [a second brain](), then Maps of Content or MOC's are the underlying mechanism for navigating and connecting the knowledge contained within the vault to form a complex, structured system.

In other words MOC's serve as structural, index notes that list related [Atomic Notes]() in a single location.

Utilize Maps of Content (MOCs) to navigate the vault efficiently.

Some Maps of Content to consider are:


The vault has a variety of content including, but not limited to:

And More!

Code Snippets

See the Code folder's README for details on all of the code snippets included inside this vault.