node-minibase / minibase

:rocket: Minimal framework for creating highly modular and composable Node.js applications powered by plugins
MIT License
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Minimalist alternative for Base. Build complex APIs with small units called plugins. Works well with most of the already existing base plugins.

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You might also be interested in base.

Table of Contents

(TOC generated by verb using markdown-toc)


Install with npm

$ npm install minibase --save

or install using yarn

$ yarn add minibase


For more use-cases see the tests

const minibase = require('minibase')



Creates an instance of MiniBase with optional options object - if given, otherwise the minibase.options defaults to empty object. Never throws - emit events!™



const MiniBase = require('minibase').MiniBase

// main export is instance
const app = require('minibase')

app.once('error', (err) => {
  console.log('error:', err)

app.use((self) => {
  // this === self === app
  console.log(self.use) // => 'function'
  console.log(self.define) // => 'function'
  self.define('foo', 'bar')

app.use(() => {
  throw new Error('qux')


Copy properties from provider to this instance of MiniBase, using delegate-properties lib.



const minibase = require('minibase')

minibase.use((app) => {
  // `app` is `minibase`

    foo: 'bar',
    qux: (name) => {
      console.log(`hello ${name}`)

// or directly use `.delegate`,
// not through plugin
minibase.delegate({ cats: 'dogs' })

console.log(minibase.cats) // => 'dogs'
console.log( // => 'bar'
console.log(minibase.qux('kitty!')) // => 'hello kitty!'


Used for adding non-enumerable property key with value on the instance, using define-property lib.



const minibase = require('minibase')

minibase.use(function (app) {
  // `app` and `this` are instance of `MiniBase`,
  // and so `minibase`

  this.define('set', function set (key, value) {
    this.cache = this.cache || {}
    this.cache[key] = value
    return this
  app.define('get', function get (key) {
    return this.cache[key]

  .set('foo', 'bar')
  .set('qux', 123)
  .set('baz', { a: 'b' })

// or directly use `.define`,
// not through plugin
minibase.define('hi', 'kitty')
console.log(minibase.hi) // => 'kitty'

console.log(minibase.get('foo')) // => 'bar'
console.log(minibase.get('qux')) // => 123
console.log(minibase.get('baz')) // => { a: 'b' }

// or access the cache directly
console.log(minimist.cache.baz) // => { a: 'b' }
console.log(minimist.cache.qux) // => 123


Define a synchronous plugin fn function to be called immediately upon init. Never throws - emit events!™




const MiniBase = require('minibase').MiniBase
const app = MiniBase({ silent: true, foo: 'bar' })

  .once('error', (err) => console.error(err.stack || err))
  .use((app) => {
    console.log(app.options) // => { silent: true, foo: 'bar' }
    return 555
  .use(function () {
    console.log(this.options) // => { silent: true, foo: 'bar' }
    // intentionally
    foo bar


Static method to delegate properties from provider to receiver and make them non-enumerable.

See delegate-properties for more details, it is exact mirror.



const MiniBase = require('minibase').MiniBase

const obj = { foo: 'bar' }

MiniBase.delegate(obj, {
  qux: 123

console.log( // => 'bar'
console.log(obj.qux) // => 123


Static method to define a non-enumerable property on an object.

See define-property for more details, it is exact mirror.



const MiniBase = require('minibase').MiniBase

const obj = {}
MiniBase.define(obj, 'foo', 123)
MiniBase.define(obj, 'bar', () => console.log('qux'))

console.log( // => 123
console.log( // => 'qux'


Static method for inheriting the prototype and static methods of the MiniBase class. This method greatly simplifies the process of creating inheritance-based applications.

See static-extend for more details.



const MiniBase = require('minibase').MiniBase

function MyApp (options) {, options)


console.log(MyApp.extend) // => function
console.log(MyApp.define) // => function
console.log(MyApp.delegate) // => function

const app = new MyApp()

console.log(app.use) // => function
console.log(app.define) // => function
console.log(app.delegate) // => function



Pull requests and stars are always welcome. For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.
Please read the contributing guidelines for advice on opening issues, pull requests, and coding standards.
If you need some help and can spent some cash, feel free to contact me at too.

In short: If you want to contribute to that project, please follow these things

  1. Please DO NOT edit, and files. See "Building docs" section.
  2. Ensure anything is okey by installing the dependencies and run the tests. See "Running tests" section.
  3. Always use npm run commit to commit changes instead of git commit, because it is interactive and user-friendly. It uses commitizen behind the scenes, which follows Conventional Changelog idealogy.
  4. Do NOT bump the version in package.json. For that we use npm run release, which is standard-version and follows Conventional Changelog idealogy.

Thanks a lot! :)

Building docs

Documentation and that readme is generated using verb-generate-readme, which is a verb generator, so you need to install both of them and then run verb command like that

$ npm install verbose/verb#dev verb-generate-readme --global && verb

Please don't edit the README directly. Any changes to the readme must be made in

Running tests

Clone repository and run the following in that cloned directory

$ npm install && npm test


Charlike Mike Reagent


Copyright © 2016, Charlike Mike Reagent. Released under the MIT license.

This file was generated by verb-generate-readme, v0.2.0, on December 05, 2016.