node-tastypie / tastypie

A Robust REST Framework for Node.js & Hapi - Inspired by Django - Tastypie
MIT License
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node tastypie


license npm node David Travis Codacy grade

A re-realization of the popular Django REST framework - Tasypie for Node.js and Hapi.js. Looking for active contributors / collaborators to help shape the way people build APIs!

API Documentation Working Example

Officially Supported Resources Types

Experimental Resource Types

Create a simple Api

const {Resource, Api} = require('tastypie')
    , Api      = tastypie.Api
    , hapi     = require('hapi')
    , server   = new hapi.Server()
    , v1       = new Api('api/v1' )

Resource = tastypie.Resource.extend({
        lastName:{ type:'char', attribute:'name.first', help:'last name of the user'},
        firstName:{type:'char', attribute: 'name.last', help:'first name of the user'}

v1.use('test', new Resource() );

server.connection({port:2000, host:'localhost'});

server.register( v1, function( ){
        console.log('server listening localhost:2000');

Self Describing

Tastypie exposes endpoint to descibe available resources and the contracts they expose

Resource listing

// GET /api/v1
        "schema": "/api/v1/test/schema",
        "detail": "/api/v1/test/{pk}",
        "list": "/api/v1/test"
Auto Schema
// GET /api/v1/test/schema

    "filtering": {},
    "ordering": [],
    "formats": ["application/json", "text/javascript", "text/xml"],
    "limit": 25,
    "fields": {
        "lastName": {
            "default": null,
            "type": "string",
            "nullable": false,
            "blank": false,
            "readonly": false,
            "help": "last name of the user",
            "unique": false,
            "enum": []
        "firstName": {
            "default": null,
            "type": "string",
            "nullable": false,
            "blank": false,
            "readonly": false,
            "help": "first name of the user",
            "unique": false,
            "enum": []
        "id": {
            "default": null,
            "type": "string",
            "nullable": false,
            "blank": false,
            "readonly": true,
            "help": "Unique identifier of this resource",
            "unique": false,
            "enum": []
        "uri": {
            "default": null,
            "type": "string",
            "nullable": false,
            "blank": false,
            "readonly": true,
            "help": "The URI pointing back the this resource instance",
            "unique": false,
            "enum": []
    "allowed": {
        "schema": ["get"],
        "detail": ["get", "put", "post", "delete", "patch", "head", "options"],
        "list": ["get", "put", "post", "delete", "patch", "head", "options"]
Get Data

// GET /api/v1/test



// GET /api/v1/test/1


Built-in Fields

This allows for full HTTP support and basic CRUD operations on a single enpoint - api/v1/test

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: applciation/json" -d '{"test":"fake"}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/test
curl -XPUT  -H "Content-Type: applciation/json" -d '{"test":"real"}' http://localhost:3000/api/v1/test
curl -XDELETE http://localhost:3000/api/v1/test/fake

HTTP Verbs

This is how tastypie handles the base HTTP Methods


The base serializer can deal with xml, json and jsonp out of the box. Serialization method is determined by the Accept header or a format query string param

curl -H "Accept: text/xml" http://localhost:3000/api/v1/test
curl http://localhost:3000/api/v1/test?format=xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <firstName type="string">bill</firstName>
 <lastName type="string">Schaefer</lastName>

NOTE: hapi captures application/foo so for custom serialization, we must use text/foo

Quick & Dirty Resource

A functional resource, by convention, should define method handlers for each of the actions ( list, detail, schema, etc ) & HTTP verbs where it makes sense - where the resource method name is <VERB>_<ACTION>.

const tastypie = require('tastypie')
const Resource = tastypie.Resource;
const http     = tasypie.http
const Simple;

const Template = function(){
    this.key = null
    this._id = null
} = function( cb ){
    setImmediate(cb, this)

Template.prototype.toJSON = function(){
    return {key, _id}

Simple = Resource.extend({
        ,template: tempalte

    ,constructor:function( options ){
        this.parent('constructor', options)

     * handles DELETE /{pk}
    , delete_detail: function( bundle ){ = null;
        return this.respond( bundle, http.noContent ) // Send a custom response code

     * handles GET /{pk}
    , get_detail: function( bundle ){ = {key:'foo', _id:1};
        return this.respond( bundle ) // defaults to 200 OK respose code

     * handles GET /
    ,get_list: function( bundle ){
        // the data property is what gets returned = [{ key:'foo', _id:1},{key:'bar', _id:2}]; 

        // use the respond method if you
        // want serialization, status code, etc...
        return this.respond( bundle )

     * handles PATCH /{pk}
    , patch_detail: function( bundle ){
        // or just send a straight response.
        // res is the hapi reply object
        return bundle.res({any:'data you want'}).code( 201 );

     * handles POST /
    , post_list: function( bundle ){
        var data = bundle.req.payload;
        // do something with the data.
        let format = this.format( bundle );
        this.deserialize(, format, ( err, data ) => {
   = data;
            this.full_hydrate( bundle, ( err, bundle ) => {
                this.full_dehydrate( bundle.object, ( err, dehydrated ) => {
           = dehydrated;
                    this.respond( bundle, http.created );
        return this.respond( bundle, http.created)

     * handles PUT /{pk}
    , put_detail: function( bundle ){
        // Manually set the Bundle's data property to send back to the client = {key:'updated'}
        return this.respond( bundle, http.accepted )

Example FS resourse

The base resource defines many of the required <VERB>_<ACTION> methods for you and delegates to smaller internal methods which you can over-ride to customize behaviors. Here is a resource that will asyncronously read a JSON file from disk are respond to GET requests. Supports XML, JSON, paging and dummy cache out of the box.

const hapi                                       = require('hapi');
const fs                                         = require('fs')
const path                                       = require('path')
const {Resource, Api, Fields, Class, Serializer} = require('tastypie')
const Options                                    = Class.Options 
const debug                                      = require('debug')('tastypie:example')

const server = new hapi.Server()

// make a simple object template to be populated during the hydration process
// This could be an ORM Model class just as easily
function Schema(){ = {
        first: undefined, last: undefined
    this.age = undefined;
    this.guid = undefined;
    this.range = []
    this.eyeColor = undefined;

let Base = Resource.extend({
        template: Schema // Set the schema as the Object template
        // remap _id to id via attribute
          id       : { type:'field', attribute:'_id' }
        , age      : { type:'int' } 

        // can also be a field instance
        , eyeColor : new fields.CharField({'null':true})
        , range    : { type:'array', 'null': true }
        , fullname : { type:'char', 'null':true }

        // remap the uid property to uuid. 
        , uuid     : { type:'char', attribute:'guid'}
        , name     : { type:'field'}
   , constructor: function( meta ){
        this.parent('constructor', meta )

    // internal lower level method called by get_list responsible for getting the raw data
    , get_objects: function(bundle, callback){
        fs.readFile( path.join(__dirname, 'example','data.json') , callback)

    // internal low level method called by post_detail reponsible for dealing with a POST request
    , create_object: function create_object( bundle, opt, callback ){
        bundle = this.full_hydrate( bundle )
        callback && callback(null, bundle )

    // per field dehydration method - generates a full name field from name.first & name.last
    , dehydrate_fullname:function( obj, bundle ){
        return + " " +

    // top level method for custom GET /upload 
    , get_upload: function( bundle ){

    // method called by get_detail that retreives an individual object by id.
    // becuase it's in a flat file, read it, filter and return first object
    ,get_object: function(bundle, callback){
        this.get_objects(bundle,function(e, objects){
            var obj = JSON.parse( objects ).filter(function( obj ){
                return obj._id =
            callback( null, obj )

    // Proxy method for delegeting HTTP methods to approriate resource method
    // as defined below
    , dispatch_upload: function(req, reply ){
        // Do additional magic here.

        // dispatch will call <HTTP_METHOD>_upload
        return this.dispatch('upload', this.bundle( req, reply ) )

    // adds a custom route for upload in addition to standard crud methods
    , prepend_urls:function(){
        return [{
          route: '/api/v1/data/upload'
          , handler: this.dispatch_upload.bind( this )
          , name:'upload'
var api = new Api('api/v1', {
    serializer:new Serializer()

app.connection({port:process.env.PORT || 2000 });

api.user('data', new Base() );

app.register( api, function(e){
        console.log('server is ready')

Now you can read data from a file with your rest API

curl http://localhost:2000/api/v1/test
curl http://localhost:2000/api/v1/test?format=xml
curl http://localhost:2000/api/v1/test/1
curl http://localhost:2000/api/v1/test/2
curl http://localhost:2000/api/v1/test/2?format=xml


Contributions & patches welcome. If you have experience working with the original python / django-tastypie, input would be greatly appreciated. Anything from docs, test and feature code is fair game.

  1. Fork
  2. Write Code
  3. Write tests
  4. Document your code
  5. Push
  6. Open Pull Request