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RFC: Consider retiring the PI1s ARMv6 (downgrading support to "experimental") #1677

Closed refack closed 5 years ago

refack commented 5 years ago

PI1 load image

PI2 for comparison: image

refack commented 5 years ago

I ran tools/ specifying default as the tests to run.

Ok. Less clear indication, but still in the ballpark IMO...

mhdawson commented 5 years ago

later tonight I'll disable from the farm and then log into test-requireio--mhdawson-debian9-armv6l--pi1p-1 and run the same set of tests as I did on the PiZero and that should give us a closer comparison.

mhdawson commented 5 years ago

Command line for reference:

time tools/ -j 1 -p tap --logfile test.tap --mode=release --flaky-tests=dontcare default >withj1

mhdawson commented 5 years ago

Have had some trouble getting the output of time. The ssh connection seems to drop at some point during the run. Had tried running in the background but command I used still did not pipe time output to file. Running again and hope to get it this time.

mhdawson commented 5 years ago

ok equivalent run on the Pi1

real 184m8.136s user 152m9.797s sys 13m8.520s

Which means the Pi Zero does show to be about 37% faster, which makes sense given the increased clock frequency. Given that there are a few mins for the git work, I guess we'd expect 6 PI zeros to reduce the time down to ~32 mins instead of the current ~40 mins. That excludes the time for the cross-compile as well.

rvagg commented 5 years ago

I got mine but have only had a brief play. I'm currently stuck on how I'd get a cluster to boot via NFS at will (including reboot), it's not very straightforward and quite hacky at the moment.

Here's a thought I've been toying with, and it came up with x86 Linux support that we dropped but apparently still ship Docker images for (!). We could set up a parallel project, "unofficial builds", maybe as part of nodejs/build, but it might work better as an independent project that outsiders can contribute to and "own" in a sense. We could get (or similar) to point to a place where binaries are put that are part of this grey area of builds that are wanted, but don't meet our threshold for support in our stretched resources here at nodejs/build. I could imagine communities owning their bit, x86, armv6, and could even expand to more obscure binary types, like x64-musl for Alpine so the docker-node folks don't need to compile in-containerfor each release or x64-libressl for some of the *BSD folks.

Such a project would have not over-burden the nodejs/build team because in being "unofficial", if it's broken then it's up to users to fix it and it certainly won't stop Node.js releases from moving forward.

So my question here is: is it just the binaries you care about? If you could continue to get binaries for each release from some source then do you care much if we don't test every commit against armv6 and don't have armv6l binaries on

nebrius commented 5 years ago

@rvagg do you have historical data on test failures on armv6? I'd be curious to know if those failures closely tracked failures on armv7+ or not. If they do (which seems likely to me), then I think moving it to a new "unofficial builds" project would be fine.

The binaries are the big thing I care about, yes. I would be fine getting them from another source if that source is reliable (i.e. not having to wait days/weeks for the latest release after the official builds are released).

mhdawson commented 5 years ago

I agree with @rvagg on the boot front. I think it would likely require some scripting as well as programatic control over the power to the USB port powering the Pi Zero. Not impossible (I've already bought a USB hub that switches could be wired into) but would definitely require some work.

rvagg commented 5 years ago

@nebrius no data unfortunately but I can't remember the last time we had something serious that was isolated to ARMv6 aside from resource constraint problems that we regularly have (some tests need skipping because they test allocation of lots of memory, for example). My subjective impression is that there's a tight coupling between ARMv6 and ARMv7 for any bugs we've had in the past and I'd be confident that in the near future at least this would continue. It starts to break down if V8 de-prioritises ARMv6 (and I don't know the status of their testing), same goes for OpenSSL although they have more natural pressure to retain good support.

rvagg commented 5 years ago

So we had a discussion about this in our Build WG meeting today and the approach we'd like to propose goes something like this for Node.js 12+ (everything remains as-is for <=11).

  1. Move ARMv6 to "Experimental", which means that we don't test every commit in our CI infrastructure, and therefore don't ship official binaries.
  2. "Experimental" comes with a caveat that we could, at any time, turn it back into a Tier 2 supported platform if we come up with solutions that ease the burden on this team. So perhaps someone invests time and comes up with a magical qemu solution that is easy and efficient so we opt to take it back on again.
  3. We try to spin up an "unofficial builds" project like I mentioned a couple of comments above ^. This would be an arms-length project such that breakages and failure to deliver don't fall back on either the Build WG or the TSC, but rather it's a community-driven project, where the community is comprised of people like those in this thread and people focused on other compilation targets. Build can lend some minimal resources, a single server would get it off the ground I think. But it would need to stand alone. The docker-node project is an example, there's almost no overlap between people who push that forward and Build or even much of the nodejs/node collaborator base. Plus docker-node have developed all of the valuable relationship they need to make it official and well supported. Docker releases of Node are part of our normal release schedule but it's a throw-it-over-the-wall approach where releasers just give a trigger for the docker-node folks to take over with.

I'll outline the "unofficial builds" idea a bit more in an issue or PR to this repo in the near future. For now though, know that we want to continue shipping binaries but we'd like to reduce the support burden on this team and the way to do that is to (1) decouple ARMv6 from our test-all-commits infrastructure and (2) decouple it from the critical release infrastructure (where breakage can mean lost sleep).

I don't think Build really has the last say on this, it's ultimately up to the TSC to decide what burden the project wishes to take on. But it'll probably end up depending entirely on what Build says it can handle.

vielmetti commented 5 years ago

This is an interesting post from a Microsoft employee on the challenges of cross-build of Arm images on Arm hardware, noting in particular ARMv6 issues.

rvagg commented 5 years ago

The most interesting part of that post for me is that they don't seem to even bother testing on real ARMv{6,7} hardware, they just run the binaries on an ARM64 host in a Raspbian chroot. The problem being addressed come from missing instructions that have to be trapped and emulated by the kernel, causing delay. The "solution" is simply to emulate ARM64 so it can run in a single core, I guess this has something to do with core affinity and the cache advantage, or something like that? But it's still ARM64. That's not an approach we've even considered as an option but I guess it is? I have some doubts about the utility of such testing, does it get you close enough to be even worth doing? Something to consider at least.

rvagg commented 5 years ago

OK folks, so this has panned in the following way:

But it's not all bad news. I'm attempting to start an "unofficial-builds" project as I mentioned earlier in this thread. It's producing ARMv6 binaries automatically following every release. The catch is that it's automatic, so may break and may be delayed. The intention is also not for the Build Working Group to be the owner of it, it shouldn't stretch Build resources at all because they're already stretched.

The project is housed at and it's looking for contributors and people to help maintain it. It has a single server that's (so far) pumping out 3 types of binaries that folks have been asking for but the core project (via Build) hasn't been able to accomodate: linux-x86, linux-x64-musl and linux-armv6. Those binaries are published to where you'll find a /download/ directory that's very similar to, complete with and index.json (perhaps someone could talk Jordan to hooking nvm up to it one day).

So this issue is considered closed as far as Build is concerned but I'd encourage you to consider whether there are ways you might be able to contribute to making unofficial-builds sustainable, even if that's just clicking 'Watch' and helping dealing with easy issues as they come in. With no ARMv6 testing of new commits, the users of these binaries are going to have to be the test platform and will have to help report and fix problems.