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Logo iteration #179

Closed mikeal closed 7 years ago

mikeal commented 8 years ago

Ok, here's the deal :)

The foundation is considering an iteration on the official logo. This is not a re-design. The community loves hexagons, hexagons aren't going anywhere, but some people wouldn't mind a re-fresh of some of the assets. We'd also like more assets that we can use under certain size restrictions, for example twitter requires squared images while G+ rounds off an image and we have a limited set of assets we can use for that.

Here's some examples of popular logo iterations:

starbucks-logo-evolution-2 google-logo-old-vs-new-history-420-100

Just post images and ideas in to this thread. The Marketing Committee will look over all of this at some point in the future and potentially select one or take some of the ideas/direction and handoff to a designer. Final logo will have to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Here's the EPS files and an SVG to start with.

Have fun :)

lehanism commented 8 years ago

The thing is, I'm totally in love with the current logo. It's probably one of my favourite logos ever.! Of these, I like al0ps contribution the most :).

phloe commented 8 years ago

@aguscr It definitely looks much calmer :) Hard to say if readability really went down - but it could be better...

phloe commented 8 years ago


Just an iteration using pseudo-3d trying to address readability issue. Of course those are effects that won't come off clearly (or at all) in smaller sizes/duotone etc... it's something.

Hadrain commented 8 years ago

Old: old

Hadrain commented 8 years ago

New: logo for node js The simplest change make it more uniform. ——by Hadrain

lfortin commented 8 years ago

+1 @Schoonology

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

After sleeping on it, i realised the 'e' on my first draft was the only capital-looking letter, so i decided to change it. Last shot as iteration shouldn't go further.


alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl I like your ideas, how do you look at having just one hexagon with first letter?

N for Node

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo Hey! Glad you like them :smiley: I'm not sure I really understand your question :( Sorry (english not my first language) You say like for the standalone logo? Just the N?

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl Yep, I think and simple and unique enough to be a logo on it's own. And looks like "n" (for node) and as 3D cube in same time.

sarahbethfederman commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology yours is almost perfect, but I wish the n had the same baseline as the rest of the letters. Lots of super nice subtle changes, I dig it.

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo Like this? (I dig it! But i may be really, really biased) :sweat_smile:


phloe commented 8 years ago


Minimalist responsive logo? "n" as a cube in large format then downgrades to tilted square and lastly lores square.

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl Yep, and that round avatar is so cool! Thanks. :)

mikeal commented 8 years ago

I really like the direction of the "e" in @blake-mattos' design


drakodarpan commented 8 years ago

The turtle is very nice

ghost commented 8 years ago

node communism

stuartpb commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl Would it be possible to make the "o" and "d" the same stroke-width as the "n" and "e"?

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@stuartpb Good catch! Not exactly the same width but very close. Also reduced the height of the d-stick. But it can go back to the original. Testing how compact it can get. :smile:

same width

stuartpb commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl Maybe try having them all be at the width the "n" had, with the "e" having a design more like the current/original logo?

Do you have SVG sources for these that others can fork?

mikolalysenko commented 8 years ago

Not necessarily a great logo, but I made a little nodeJS logo hexagonal cellular automata:

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@mikolalysenko that's awesome! Hypnotic!

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

Last try! :P Refinement of previous iterations with some feedback i received. Fixed the base color alternation between D and E and rounded everything a bit more. (got smoother look) also works as stencil for multiple colors.

Hope i have time next few days to clean up the sketchapp project (or EPS) so i can share it.

Cheers from Ecuador :earth_americas: !

final nodejs template

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl :+1:

I think at this point "js" part of the full logo is totally optional. :)

ghost commented 8 years ago


node.js pixel-art cube

twitter: @franzpeterstein e-mail:

serapath commented 8 years ago

maybe all the cool ideas can be merged. I like the turtle, but maybe the turtle shell could be a hexagon

mikeal commented 8 years ago

Someone should find the thread from like 5 years ago that explains the turtle logo :)

ghost commented 8 years ago

node jupiter

souporserious commented 8 years ago


theus commented 8 years ago


juanmnl commented 8 years ago

Couldn't help myself of starting 2020's logo :smile:

Abstract Concept


juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo The JS is part of the trademark if understood correctly. So no chance of getting rid of it. :P

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl Interesting, I didn't get that impression. @mikeal can you clarify?

Then how about having just "js" part? :)

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo Re-read the thread and yes @mikeal answered this to a similar question:

Must be "Node.js" because that's what the Trademark is for :)

jfhbrook commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure who suggested the turtle hexagon, but I love the idea. The "o" would be perfect.

jfhbrook commented 8 years ago

something like

You get the idea. I obviously half-assed it.

jfhbrook commented 8 years ago

Oh and since nobody's mentioned the old logo I dug this off GIS:

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl My understanding that name of the whole thing should be node.js, but logo itself could be anything, even turtle with attached rocket to it's back.

And "js" symbol I think could have any shape and form. Otherwise the whole thread loses it's point, if that is trademarked thing abd we can't change it.

Again would be nice if @mikeal can elaborate on the details.

mguida22 commented 8 years ago

@substack the orange/red one you did with the planet looks great!

matthewhirsch commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo I'm not a lawyer or anything, but their trademark document lays it out pretty clear: The Node.js trademarks, including “Node.js” (the word mark in plain text or in logo form), have come to represent both the Node.js community as well as the widely adopted Node.js platform for...

They likely weren't able to trademark "Node" originally which is why their legal copy says "Node.js". Again from my limited understanding of the trademarking system, a new logo would result in the need for a new trademark on that image. If there was a time to try again for trademarking "Node" now would be a good time if it hasn't already been done.

hortinstein commented 8 years ago

@substack should do a startup for logos as a service. Love his art on his modules and his submissions here. Grabbed some of them for new wallpapers.

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

Oh god, @jfhbrook that turtle hexagon is aces. Ship it!

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@matthewhirsch Thanks for the input. And I like how it starts :) "I'm not a lawyer" :)))

I'm not saying we have to rename node.js, but rather we're playing with the image representation here. And we should be able to modify it without limitations. (Except the hexagon one, which Mikeal's desire, not legal binding).

It means new logo could look like Turtle or like First Airplane or bunch of lines that together could be read as "Great Scott!". :)

And we don't have to keep "js" wrapped in the hexagon as immutable part of the logo (although it's my favorite part of the old logo).

My point we have more freedom to change things that it seems.

birdstudios commented 8 years ago

I think the best iteration is from @karlbright. Subtle, but it's often the smallest details that make the difference when you want something to feel revived/refreshed.

I don't actually mind the reduced version, either – it works. Good job!

ghost commented 8 years ago

i think it's entirely clear that @substack's hammer and sickle turtle logo takes the cake here

Dakuan commented 8 years ago


(big uk shop)

skeep commented 8 years ago

Like karlbright's one most

benoror commented 8 years ago

@mikeal an iteration on @blake-mattos' design with isometric 'E' letter would be interesting:

Isometric E

mramitpatel commented 8 years ago

@mikeal can you elaborate on this:

We'd also like more assets that we can use under certain size restrictions, for example twitter requires >squared images while G+ rounds off an image and we have a limited set of assets we can use for that.

Any example assets we can see to design towards? If you can list some potential needs and assets, we can prep something that gives better context to the logo iteration.


zeke commented 8 years ago

@kirkstrobeck's design is classy.