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Logo iteration #179

Closed mikeal closed 7 years ago

mikeal commented 8 years ago

Ok, here's the deal :)

The foundation is considering an iteration on the official logo. This is not a re-design. The community loves hexagons, hexagons aren't going anywhere, but some people wouldn't mind a re-fresh of some of the assets. We'd also like more assets that we can use under certain size restrictions, for example twitter requires squared images while G+ rounds off an image and we have a limited set of assets we can use for that.

Here's some examples of popular logo iterations:

starbucks-logo-evolution-2 google-logo-old-vs-new-history-420-100

Just post images and ideas in to this thread. The Marketing Committee will look over all of this at some point in the future and potentially select one or take some of the ideas/direction and handoff to a designer. Final logo will have to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Here's the EPS files and an SVG to start with.

Have fun :)

vaelinn commented 8 years ago

@kirkstrobeck :+1: classy and elegant.

Knighton910 commented 8 years ago

@substack that turtle looks pro-terrorist :100: lol

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

This is going a bit out of the intended way. I jumped in for an iteration (not a redesign as stated). For me, this means trying to keep the original feeling (appearance) of the logo and giving it a freshened, modern look. Sharper. Smoother. Colorfull. Colorless. You choose.

I'm going to keep on iterating when i see or get good suggestions (that match the idea i have).

That being said, i always throw my designs under heavy photographic effects, so i can test the integrity and contrast of the composition and shapes. Some wallpapers were born out of this. (1440x1024 for now - but you can ask for a specific size if you like)

Wallpapers 1440x1024 on imgur

Saludos! :smile:

mostman1043 commented 8 years ago

I like all of the ones where the N isn't half the height of the rest of the word.

evanlucas commented 8 years ago

So, uh, when do we get tshirts with the turtles on them??? :]

Morphul commented 8 years ago


benoror commented 8 years ago

@blake-mattos could you share your SVG to iterate on yours?

maxrimue commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl I like your design really much("e and js variant"), my idea for further perfection (if I may say so :P) would be that you add some of the dark colour to the O, but not in the middle of it, rather to its border, since all other letters also have their black part in the border rather than inside them

acstll commented 8 years ago

Here's another.


Small version:


And the idea…


This would need more work, namely to improve the following:

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@maxrimue Thanks ^_^ Of course you can! That's the idea of all this. (if you ask for a sword or a dragon i may not agree :yum: ) There you have.


lfortin commented 8 years ago

+1 @Morphul

maxrimue commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl Nice! What I just noticed is that the difference of the width of the border between the "node" part and the js symbol might be appearing a bit mixed, the question is if we want to keep the js symbol as it currently looks, or adjust its border to the width of the "node" part. I think a little less width to the border of the "node" is okay though, don't take my opinion as very important though, after all it's yours :D

sergiolepore commented 8 years ago

+1 @Schoonology

benoror commented 8 years ago

Playing with some ideas:


nosajio commented 8 years ago

+1 @Schoonology

derhuerst commented 8 years ago

@Morphul +1

I like the idea of putting the "js" somewhere inside the main art of the logo. Right now, it feels like an appendage to "node".

gbabula commented 8 years ago

+1 @Schoonology

benoror commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology's with JS logo integration from @Morphul: schoonology_morphul

Althoug I like the original green better:

WoodyWoodsta commented 8 years ago

I think that having the js on the end better represents node dot js...

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@maxrimue I tried to integrate it on other iterations (see the first ones) but i keep thinking that it's better to have it visually separated. Open to every idea though, so i will try more variations this weekend :smile: I agree @WoodyWoodsta

binoculars commented 8 years ago

:+1: for hexagons. Also would like to have an alternate square version (e.g. 64x64) for the winner.

lfortin commented 8 years ago

+1 @benoror for "@Schoonology's with logo integration from @Morphul"

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

For embracing classical look, but putting JS in front and center (literally):

JS front and center

SlexAxton commented 8 years ago

Kinda like how on the @aguscr logo that we could print this out on a single 3d printed block:


Then just look at it from the corner, and boom.... node.

wduntak commented 8 years ago

nodejs1 nodejs2 nodejs3

rog commented 8 years ago

+1 for @alexindigo design proposal, it's cleaner and kudos for that green.

Morphul commented 8 years ago


corbinu commented 8 years ago

I really like both @juanmnl and @alexindigo designs

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

Btw, @juanmnl I love your wallpapers :)

Thanks @rogr and @corbinu :)

mattbailey commented 8 years ago


jfhbrook commented 8 years ago

winner ^^

WoodyWoodsta commented 8 years ago

I feel as though having "node.js" in a font form as in @alexindigo's does not carry through the node.js feel the same way an iteration should. I would still like to see that chamfered, hexagonal feel throughout the logo coming through. I also think @mattbailey is on the money here :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

mostman1043 commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology one is great. However, it needs something on the bottom of the N. Its 1 out of 4 letters, half the height. Maybe add the bottom half of the hex as an outline or something?

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

Had a bit of time, so i tested an even more minimalistic approach. :tongue:

screen shot 2015-10-22 at 3 17 58 pm

fdaciuk commented 8 years ago


phloe commented 8 years ago

I know this isn't using Comic Sans... but I tried building off of the existing hexagonal geometry and ventured into 3D. It felt appropriate to integrate the yellow JS-logo replacing the green color. As a bonus the spatial nature of the logo revealed a lores version :)








Lores This lores version of the logo comes from just rotating the logo in 3D (see animation end below).

Transition through states

animated states

(Updated version further down)

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e That transition is crazy. Well done! :clap:

fdaciuk commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e I'm typing with my feet because with my hands I'm applauding! :clap: :clap: :sparkles:

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

Click on the image for extreme HD :bomb:

blue b on b inverse w on w white

benoror commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e loved your "Lores" approach :+1:

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e Wicked transition and 3D idea. :+1: :)

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo I dig that so fricken much.

yorchv commented 8 years ago

That 3d transition its awesome! But I do not know how that relates to node itself. But its awesome.

shprink commented 8 years ago

+1 for @mattbailey's logo

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo Didn't see your comment before. Glad you liked the wallpapers. i'm adding 2 more with the last iteration. :smile:

georgeportillo commented 8 years ago

Lores. I'm in love.

mightyiam commented 8 years ago

Ya'll are awesome

nexdrew commented 8 years ago

Really digging all designs by @rasmusfl0e! Different, creative, beautiful. Nicely done.

jwalton commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e Really like your designs, especially the "color" one. Very clever use of the "JS" logo.

bukinoshita commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo :+1: . Nice 3D transition though @rasmusfl0e !