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Logo iteration #179

Closed mikeal closed 8 years ago

mikeal commented 8 years ago

Ok, here's the deal :)

The foundation is considering an iteration on the official logo. This is not a re-design. The community loves hexagons, hexagons aren't going anywhere, but some people wouldn't mind a re-fresh of some of the assets. We'd also like more assets that we can use under certain size restrictions, for example twitter requires squared images while G+ rounds off an image and we have a limited set of assets we can use for that.

Here's some examples of popular logo iterations:

starbucks-logo-evolution-2 google-logo-old-vs-new-history-420-100

Just post images and ideas in to this thread. The Marketing Committee will look over all of this at some point in the future and potentially select one or take some of the ideas/direction and handoff to a designer. Final logo will have to be approved by the Board of Directors.

Here's the EPS files and an SVG to start with.

Have fun :)

laverix commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e brilliant!

Schoonology commented 8 years ago

A few minor updates:

node-logo-2 2x

Keep the feedback coming. Not all of it works, but it's all useful.

mightyiam commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology perhaps move the JS a tiny bit left.

f commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e :+1:

kylehayes commented 8 years ago

So many great submissions so far—analysis paralysis is kicking in. I do wonder if js is still needed. Less is more and Keep it simple etc.

I personally don't care for the @aguscr iterations due to the way the e stands out more than the rest of the letters. I'm definitely favoring the ones that are slight derivatives of the original because the brand remains in tact.

Schoonology commented 8 years ago

Also, since we're looking for logos that look good square and round, I whipped up some rough proofs that the current logo works rather well as-is!

node-logo-rnd 2x node-logo-sq 2x

stuartpb commented 8 years ago

I do like @substack's notion above that the new Node logo should preserve design elements of io.js's branding, so as to communicate that io.js has evolved into the future of Node.

At the very least, I think this is one more argument in favor of switching the green in the logo over to JS Yellow.

Also, I like @rasmusfl0e's 3D interpretation above, though I think it'd be better if the 'e' were shaped more like the current wordmark's 'e'.

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology Love this one –

Again would like to see <js> as standalone option too.

Schoonology commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo - So glad you like it! As far as just "JS" is concerned, @mikeal addressed that, I think:

Right now we rely on just the "JS" portion of the logo for this which is not ideal.

alexindigo commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology I see. :) Should it be node.es6 then? :)

190n commented 8 years ago

I'm gonna drop ASCII art on this thread just because I can...

 __    __   ___|  __    *  ___
|  \  /  \ /   | /__\   | /__
|   | \__/ \__/  \___ @ | ___/
                  \    /
kirkstrobeck commented 8 years ago

Standalone would be the hexagon -- * watch out * its sharp

TylerK commented 8 years ago

It's like the logo designed itself!


RH2 commented 8 years ago

hexagon : ✔ green : ✔ typographic "N" for "node" : ✔ readability : :skull:


gbabula commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology - great work, I really like the latest iteration, few comments:

blixt commented 8 years ago

@juanmnl I really like your designs! I made a few adjustments:


RH2 commented 8 years ago

color rework: nodejs_colorrework

Knighton910 commented 8 years ago

@TylerK :+1: Awesomeness

neurosnap commented 8 years ago

@TylerK omg yes please make this happen

anbestephen commented 8 years ago


Inspired from this real node!!



hum-n commented 8 years ago

An hexagon for every letter is way too much in my opinion, it makes the logo busy, unreadable and looks old. I would keep it only for the mark. Two people did a great job above me in this regard @souporserious and @alexindigo .

My quick take on it, a more minimal and modern look. (Could add more personality in the font)

stevenvachon commented 8 years ago

Rearranged @alexindigo's idea: node js node js2

barberboy commented 8 years ago

@rasmusfl0e, I love everything about It's truly inspired. Well done.

bhaveshgohel commented 8 years ago

@alexindigo the Logo Looks Awesome :+1:

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@blixt Nice! I'll try to work more on the js part this weekend if i can. Added the Js yellow to this one. Got trapped into some geometric details :tongue:

Sharper 'Hexs' to match geometry.

Added a different purplelish-grey to original green.

geometry-g-nupurple geometry-w geometry-y

bsingr commented 8 years ago


WoodyWoodsta commented 8 years ago

Here is my take: nodejslogoiterationpreview2full nodejslogoiterationpreview2reduced

olizilla commented 8 years ago

If you liked the io.js logo viewing fun of

you're gonna love..

now in spicy node.js flavour. :shipit::sparkles:

Qix- commented 8 years ago

I'm really, really liking @juanmnl's stuff.

gregoiresgt commented 8 years ago

Hi all :)

I came up with something a bit different and I probably went farther than expected, but anyway I'd love to have your feedback on that draft!

Major changements: I just couldn't see those polygones and this green anymore ^^ So I've been inspired by @rasmusfl0e and the squared letters, and I chose a nice and futuristic blue. redesign-node-js

phloe commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, guys! Much appreciated :)

@stuartpb I had a couple of different options for the shape of the "e" (with isometric blocks) - i just chose one that would also translate when rotated into the lores version ;) The other options could be interesting too - though they may require more than a direct rotation to go lores - but of course that's totally irrelevant if it's never used :D

@gregoiresgt looks cool! If people want hexagons you can always just "rotate it back" :D

I also love the different minimalistic takes from @acstll and @AntoineBoulanger.

acstll commented 8 years ago

I actually prefer @AntoineBoulanger take over mine! :smiley:

(Could add more personality in the font)

On top of that, it would be a great idea, in case the new logo ends up taking his take's direction, to set the type font in the logo to be node.js "brand" font and use it also in the website, etc.

Qix- commented 8 years ago

@gregoiresgt is beautiful.

fdaciuk commented 8 years ago

+1 @gregoiresgt :dancer: :dancer: :sparkles:

Try change it using green instead blue :)

LukeAskew commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology Coming along well. I think your iteration lends itself well to some customization for things like events/conferences. You could use the two green shapes as image masks:


My only suggestion right now is to make the "e" more legible. From across the room, it looks like "nodc"

Awesome work!

gnclmorais commented 8 years ago

:arrow_up: I’m behind @LukeAskew on everything.

IcanDivideBy0 commented 8 years ago really nice ! Just missing some turtles !

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

@gregoiresgt :clap: That one is beautiful! Well done!

lfortin commented 8 years ago

+1 @bsingr :thumbsup:

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

That is great @olizilla thanks :)

mariettiell commented 8 years ago

Node Js

juanmnl commented 8 years ago

Just made the N finite with a border at the bottom for the icon and the logo. base template purple yellow

keithjgrant commented 8 years ago

Two standouts so far, in my mind: by @al0p Similar to the original, but cleaned up & made a bit easier on the eyes. I particularly like the new treatment of the "e". by @gregoiresgt This one is gorgeous. Much more of a deviation from the current logo, but, oh man is this better.

zeke commented 8 years ago
Schoonology commented 8 years ago

Another quick iteration: rebuilt the forms (I've been working off the old SVG curves before) for crisper edges and pixel-perfect alignment, and emphasized the JS by greying out the "node" part. Hopefully the new "e" is more legible, too.

nodejs-logo 2x

Also, @LukeAskew, I agree that the heavy weight makes it really customizable! It looks great with the "node" letters as a mask, too:

nodejs-logo-pdx 2x

stevenvachon commented 8 years ago

All one font (mimicked the font used for "js" in current logo): node

sergiolepore commented 8 years ago

@Schoonology way better :heart:

stevenvachon commented 8 years ago

I liked how @al0p made the current logo appear less "decepticon"-like. Here's a rearranged version: node

ruizander commented 8 years ago

HI! here is my try:


zeke commented 8 years ago

We need a for this issue. // @olizilla @alanshaw