nodeshift / nodejs-reference-architecture

The Red Hat and IBM Node.js Reference architecture. The teams 'opinion' on what components our customers and internal teams should use when building Node.js applications and guidance for how to be successful in production with those components.
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Node.js Reference Architecture


The goal of the Node.js reference architecture is to present the teams 'opinion' on what components our customers and internal teams should use when building Node.js applications and guidance for how to be successful in production with those components.

Traditionally there has been reluctance to recommend a subset of the packages the JavaScript ecosystem but our customers are increasingly looking to the team for an opinion of where to start.

The components in this architecture are what we recommend to help internal and external customers get started based on our experience. Other components may be equally good, but these are the ones we know best and have the most experience with.

If you want to learn more about some of the discussions that went into the Node.js reference architecture you can check out the Introduction to the Node.js reference architecture blog post series.

The team

The team consists of engineers from across groups within IBM and Red Hat who:

Key tenets


The reference architecture covers the following components (currently a work in progress with only a subset of sections having recommendations):

Functional Components



Module Diligence

As a minimum, any modules recommended as part of this reference architecture should meet the following criteria:


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