nodesource / docker-node-legacy

Docker image build scripts for Debian and Ubuntu using the NodeSource Node.js repository
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docker-node (depreciated)

We now offer images with version pinning for node. Please follow the migration path to begin using these images.

The new images can be found here.

The images in docker-node-legacy contain Node.js 0.10.32, and will not be updated. The new images have Node.js 0.10.30 through Node.js 0.12.0 and io.js versions 1.3.0 through io.js 1.5.1, available through individual tags.

Migration Path

Step 1.

Determine the version of node contained in the docker container you are using, for example:

$ docker run -it nodesource/node:wheezy node -v`

Step 2.

Use this version as the tag for your new image, for example:

$ docker pull nodesource/wheezy:0.10.32

(optional) Step 3.

If you would like to determine the differences in packages between the images, you can run:

$ docker run nodesource/node:wheezy dpkg --get-selections > old.log && docker run nodesource/wheezy:0.10.32 dpkg --get-selections > new.log && diff old.log new.log && rm old.log new.log

You should find that they are all near to identical.

docker-node (legacy)

Dockerfiles for building Debian and Ubuntu images with the NodeSource Node.js binaries baked in. Automated via Docker Hub:



We have a folder setup for each distrubtion of linux, inside each folder you will find a collection of supported versions of that distribution. All builds are automated.

Ubuntu-based images

Debian-based images

RPM-Based images

Following after the Node.js image maintained by the Docker team, nodesource/node:latest is an alias to nodesource/node:jessie.

docker pull nodesource/node:latest

NOTE docker pull nodesource/node will download all tags for the docker image, which is roughly 8GB. We urge you to pick a tag when downloading. Example: docker pull nodesource/node:jessie