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The ColdFusion Koans are a set of unit tests that the user must make pass by filling in values. To get started open the file AboutAsserts/AboutAsserts.cfc and begin making the tests pass.
Its important that you use the mxunit that is packaged with this project. It will run the unit tests in order! Its also important to ensure your function names are written in headless camel case e.g. listValueCount() !!
As you complete a section you'll confirm your tests by refreshing this page or running the test suite using the mxunit eclipse plugin.
This is a community run project to please feel free to fork this project and contribute any time. See the Suggested topics for ideas if you need one or feel free to add your own
When adding topics that are reliant to ColdFusion 10 there are two steps you must take.
* @mxunit:decorators mxunit.framework.decorators.OrderedTestDecorator, mxunit.framework.decorators.MinimumVersionDecorator
component extends="Koans.BaseKoan"{
* @order 1
* @minVersion 10
public void function testWhatIsAClosure(){
Be sure to read https://help.github.com/articles/dealing-with-line-endings about line endings if you aren't sure how they can affect your pull requests!
Michael Seid @mbseid
Steven Neiland @sneiland
Craig Kaminsky @craigkaminsky http://craigkaminsky.me/
Mike Henke @mikehenke http://www.henke.ws/
Niall O'Doherty @nodoherty http://www.niallodoherty.com/
Miles Rausch @awayken http://milesrausch.com
John Whish @aliaspooryorik http://www.aliaspooryorik.com/
Brian Swartzfager @bcswartz http://www.thoughtdelimited.org/thoughts
Robert Glover @snarfblat for helping me troubleshoot issues.