nodsup-halnux / wui

Front End Library for Gall Apps and Agents, to display app states in various formats.
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WUI: Web User Interface:

This repository documents an agent wrapper library to be used to visualize Gall App states, for Hoon Academy 24'.

For students designing gameboard apps, this library will display such boards using a webpage interface, using minimal overhead and code boilerplate to students.

How WUI works:

WUI is a wrapper library that behaves in a similar manner to the +dbug library. The state and game app are fed into the wui library as a gate call, and wui acts as a wrapper between the Gall vane, and the app itself. Every request to/from Gall and the App itself is mediated by WUI, which interprets the pokes as either being for itself, or for the app.

Most of the functionality for WUI is implemented in the++on-poke arm, with the rest of its implementation spread across ++on-arvo and ++on-init - for the webpage bindings for the web browser.

Using the Library:

WUI is implemented as a pair of /lib and /sur files, which are imported into a desk.

Currently, the library is split depending on the board game a user wishes to play - either Tic-Tac-Toe or Minesweeper. The files are named ttt-wui and ms-wui, respectively.

To use this library, setup your Tic-Tac-Toe or Minesweeper desk as follows:

├── app
│   ├── yourappname.hoon
│   └── frontend
│        └──  display.hoon
├── lib
│   └── *-wui.hoon
├── sur 
│   └── *-wui.hoon
├── mar
│    └── action ...
│    └── update ...

In your app file, import the *-wui.hoon lib file. Some sample app code is below:

::  Structure file import
/-  *ttt
::  Library Imports
/+  default-agent, twui, dbug
::  Our versioned state core.
    +$  versioned-state
    $%  state-0
    +$  state-0  appstate
    +$  card  card:agent:gall
::  gate calls that wrap around the agent core. 
    %-  agent:dbug
%-  agent:twui
::  This pins a state-0 to the subject
=|  state-0  
::  This allows us to reference state-0 as "state" in our code
=*  state  -
^-  agent:gall
:: Our agent door itself...
|_  =bowl:gall

Notice that the +dbug wrapper has also been included.

Yes, you can still use +dbug, and wrap it around WUI!

Gameboard Format:

In order to display the gameboards properly, WUI assumes a particular state structure, which is reads upon every interaction with the game app. The two structures for tic-tac-toe and minesweeper, are listed below.

Generally speaking: a gameboard is a n x m grid that is reprsented by a map of coordinates to squares. The sur files build up structures to support the board map, and have other structures to keep track of players, and other game information.

Note: Users can alter the structure files to add additional fields, as long as the basic fields that are provided are not altered in any way. In theory, as the long as the state structure keeps its bindings and shapes, WUI and the front-end display page should not care.

If a user does choose to add new fields to the app state structure, they must remember to |nuke %theirapp and |revive %theirapp in console, to avoid compilation errors.


+$  action
      [%newgame ~]
    [%move r=@ud c=@ud ttype=tokensymbol]
+$  update
  $%  [%init values=(list @)]
+$  tokensymbol  $?  %x  %o  %e  ==
+$  playersymbol  $?  %p1x  %p2o  ==
+$  statussymbol  $?  %p1win  %p2win  %draw  %cont  ==
+$  dims  [rows=@ud cols=@ud]
+$  coord  [r=@ud c=@ud]
+$  square  tokensymbol
+$  boardmap  (map coord square)
+$  appstate  $:  


+$  mines  (set coord)
+$  neighbors  (map coord num)
+$  tiles  (map coord tile)
+$  board  (list (list @tas))
+$  num   ?(%0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8)
+$  tile  ?(num %mine %flag)
+$  status  ?(%live %win %lose)
+$  game-state
  $:  =mines
+$  coord  [x=@ y=@]
+$  action
  $%  [%flag =coord]       :: toggle flag
      [%test =coord]       :: reveal mine
      [%view ~]            :: display tiles (seen board)
      [%debug ~]           :: display whole board
      [%start =coord n=@]  :: start game

References and Acknolwedgements:

This wrapper library is a derivative work. Speficially, its framework and design is heavily influenced by the following code repositories:

1) The Squad App: Code/Software design ideas from this was used achieve the following:

2) The +dbug library: The overall wrapper framework structure was mimic'ed in this app. This involves passing in a state+app into a library gate call, and having wrapper arms route Gall requests either to themselves, or to the wrapped app. As this was the solution to the needs of this wrapper library, the same structure was reused.

3) Usage of the urbithttp-api library via CDN (instead of using npm build). Example code for this was found in the gin+tonic library that is currently being developed. Skypack CDN information can be found here. In short, we can load the urbithttp-api library in a script tag, make a subscribe and setup callbacks to handle responses from the back end. This allows for board auto-updates whenever a player makes a %move.

A special thanks also goes out to ~tamlut-modnys, ~lagrev-nocfep, ~midden-fabler for assistance in the design, and help with the various questions I had during the project.