nodules / susanin

JavaScript router system
59 stars 19 forks source link

Susanin NPM version Bower version Build status

devDependency status

Susanin is a routing library which can be used in any JavaScript environments.


Getting Started

In the browsers just include the file in your document:

<script src=""></script>

You can install Susanin on Node.js using NPM:

npm install susanin


var route = Susanin.Route('/products');

console.log(route.match('/produc'));                  // => null 
console.log(route.match('/products'));                // => {} 
var route = Susanin.Route('/products/<id>');

console.log(route.match('/products'));               // => null
console.log(route.match('/products/321'));           // => { id : '321' }
console.log(route.match('/products/321?id=123'));    // => { id : '321' }
var route = Susanin.Route('/products');

// => { id : '321', category : [ 'shoes', 'new' ] } 
var route = Susanin.Route('/products(/<id>)'));

console.log(route.match('/products'));           // => {}
console.log(route.match('/products/321'));       // => { id : '321' }
var route = Susanin.Route({ 
    pattern : '/products(/<id>)',
    defaults : {
        id : '123'

console.log(route.match('/products'));           // => { id : '123' }
console.log(route.match('/products/321'));       // => { id : '321' }
var route = Susanin.Route({ 
    pattern : '/products(/<id>)',
    defaults : {
        id : '123'
    conditions : {
        id : '\\d{3,4}'

console.log(route.match('/products'));           // => { id : '123' }
console.log(route.match('/products/321'));       // => { id : '321' }
console.log(route.match('/products/a321'));      // => null
console.log(route.match('/products/32'));        // => null
var route = Susanin.Route({ 
    pattern : '/products(/<category>(/<id>))(/)',
    defaults : {
        category : 'shoes',
        id : '123'
    conditions : {
        category : [ 'shoes', 'jeans', 'shirt' ],
        id : '\\d{3,4}'

console.log(route.match('/prod'));               // => null
console.log(route.match('/products'));           // => { category : 'shoes', id : '123' }
console.log(route.match('/products/'));          // => { category : 'shoes', id : '123' }
console.log(route.match('/products/jeans'));     // => { category : 'jeans', id : '123' }
console.log(route.match('/products/skirt'));     // => null
console.log(route.match('/products/shirt/321')); // => { category : 'shirt', id : '321' }
console.log(route.match('/products/shirt/32'));  // => null
console.log(route.match('/products/shoes/'));    // => { category : 'shoes', id : '123' }
var route = Susanin.Route({ 
    pattern : '/products/<category>',
    data : {
        method : 'GET',
        controller : 'products'

console.log(route.getData());                     // => { method : 'GET', controller : 'products' }
console.log(route.match({ method : 'POST' });     // => null
console.log(route.match({ method : 'GET' });      // => {}
    path : '/products/shoes', 
    method : 'GET' 
});                                               // => { category : 'shoes' }
var susanin = Susanin();

    pattern : '/(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))',
    defaults : {
        controller : 'index',
        action : 'build'

console.log(susanin.findFirst('/'));                  // => [ #route, { controller : 'index', action : 'build' } ]
console.log(susanin.findFirst('/products'));          // => [ #route, { controller : 'products', action : 'build' } ]
console.log(susanin.findFirst('/products/shoes'));    // => [ #route, { category : 'shoes' } ]
var route = Susanin.Route({ 
    pattern : '/products(/cat_<category>)(/)',
    defaults : { category : 'shoes' }

console.log(;                           // => '/products'
console.log({ category : 'jeans' }));     // => '/products/cat_jeans'
console.log({ category : 'shoes' }));     // => '/products'