noelboss / Podcast

Podcast Extension for TYPO3 based on Extbase and Fluid
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Podcast for TYPO3 is a new extension for the popular OpenSource CMS Typo3.

It makes creating and managing Podcasts a breeze.

Simple to use

Podcast works out of the box. No configuration needed. After just 4 simple steps your TYPO3 is ready to create Podcast Feeds and display them to your users.

HTML5 video and audio

Podcast for TYPO3 not only creates your feeds, it also displays your Podcasts for users of your Website – using the fancy new HTML5 video and audio tags so your users can listen to your podcast and view your videos directly on your site. For older browsers, a player with flash and silverlight is included.

It just works – in aplha mode ;)

Podcast generates your XML on the fly – no need to manually generate the XML after every change you make. It supports iTunes specific tags and works with RealURL out of the box (cooluri example configuration included), creating nice URLs for your feeds and pages.


Create more than one Podcast, use episodes, authors and other settings for multiple Podcasts. Podcast analyses your media and automatically detects video and audio formats and duration of your content.

Installation & Usage

  1. Install the extension from TER
  2. Add the static TypoScript template to your template
  3. Create a record of the type Podcast on a page or a sysfolder
  4. Add an episode to the record (Make sure it's checked in the Podcast select list)
  5. Add the Podcast plugin on any page or the page you created the podcast
  6. Enjoy your Podcast.

Adjusting the HTML and XML templates

If the extension does not look or behave as you want it to, you can always change the templates copying the default templates under "Resources/Private" and adjusting the values for the tempalte paths in the typoscript constants.

Update to 0.5

The update to 0.5 introduces new URL's and a new plugin configuration. In order to update to 0.5 you need to do the following
