Prototyping better Mock for Pester.
This is still early in developement, but your opinions are very welcome.
New-Mock -FunctionName 'i1' -MockWith { 'fake i1' }
# is the same as
function i1 () {
# a bit of mock counting code
# your body
'fake i1'
# define a module l that exports function l1, but does not export function l2
# we want to mock the hidden function l2, but still test l1 from the outside of the
# module
Get-Module l | Remove-Module -Force
New-Module -Name l {
function l1 { l2 }
function l2 { "l2 function" }
Export-ModuleMember -Function l1
} | Import-Module -Force
Describe 'mock function inside a module and then call it from outside' {
Invoke-InModuleScope -ModuleName l -ScriptBlock {
New-Mock -FunctionName 'l2' -MockWith { 'mocked l2' } | out-null
Invoke-InScriptScope {
It 'function l1 calls the mocked version of l2' {
l1 | ShouldBe 'mocked l2'
See this example and annontated version that validates the scopes in code.
Detach Mock from Pester, and only make it rely on common Stack mechanism, to allow mock call counting. Partially done.
Make mock resolve easier to understand, filtering mocks based on ParameterFilter is extremely hard to debug now, I want to see what mocks are available, which were candidates for call, and why they were rejected. Not done.
Make it possible to relax mock parameters to avoid re-validating parameters, or to avoid parameters with types that we cannot create. Not done.
Make mock output it's configuration so I can reuse the object for asserting, possibly give mock a name to do the same. Not done.