noi-techpark / infrastructure-v2

Opendatahub Infrastructure v2 Repository
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Open-Data Hub Infrastructure

This repository contains the new infrastructure architecture as described in the document prepared by Animeshon and approved by the owners of the project.





This repository contains the PoC for Open Data Hub's new architecture.

Architecture Overview

The PoC is designed and developed to run in two different environments:


Follow the data flow by entrying in one of the inbound.

Repository structure

├── infrastructure
│   ├── inbound
│   │   └── src/main/java/opendatahub
│   │       ├── inbound
│   │       │   ├── [mqtt/](./docs/components/
│   │       │   └── [rest/](./docs/components/
│   │       ├── [pull/](./docs/components/
│   │       ├── [writer/](./docs/components/
│   │       ├── [](./docs/components/
│   │       └── [](./docs/components/
│   ├── notifier
│   │   └── src
│   │       ├── [changeStream.js](./docs/components/
│   │       └── [main.js](./docs/components/
│   ├── router
│   │   └── src/main/java/opendatahub/outbound
│   │       ├── [fastline/](./docs/components/
│   │       ├── [update/](./docs/components/
│   │       └── [router/](./docs/components/
│   ├── transformer
│   │   └── src/main/java/opendatahub/transformer
│   │       ├── [](./docs/components/
│   │       ├──
│   │       └── [](./docs/components/

Local Quickstart

We provide a docker-compose file to start the architecture locally.

To run the cluster just

docker-compose up

in the main folder. It will build and spin up all components.

The first time we compose-up, we have to initialize MongoDB's replica set. To do so firstly identify the MongoDB docker container by running

docker ps

then copy the MongoDB container name (should be something like odh-infrastructure-v2_mongodb1_1 or odh-infrastructure-v2-mongodb1-1 depending on the version of docker-compose) and run

docker exec <mongodb-container-name> mongosh --eval "rs.initiate({
            _id : 'rs0',
            members: [
              { _id : 0, host : 'mongodb1:27017' },


Service Address
Gateway Mosquitto localhost:1883
Gateway Rest localhost:8080
RabbitMQ Pannel localhost:15672
RabbitMQ AMPQ 0-9-1 port localhost:5672
MongoDB localhost:27017

How to make Requests and check the data flow

To make and listen to the MQTT brokers (gateway or internal) we suggest using MQTTX. To make REST requests we suggest using Insomnia or any other REST client. To connect to the MongoDB deployment we suggest using Compass. Be aware that being the deployment a Replica Set, the URI string must be properly configured (Doc) and you have to check Direct Connection in the Advanced Connection Options of Compass.

What to do

Once all connections are established, you can subscribe to the MQTT Brokers and watch for messages or send, send REST request and connect to the MongoDB instance.

! All messages sent to the Perimeter must be valid JSON, otherwise, the Integrator will discard and log the message.

! All messages sent with MQTT must be sent with QoS2.


Being a PoC, the whole system is meant to give an overall insight and overview of the proposed architecture. Performances can be greatly improved using replicas, sharding, parallel programming, configuration tuning, and polish.


The notifier, written in JS and running on Node, is a good example of a possible bottleneck that can be greatly improved. Instead of having a single instance subscripted to the whole MongoDB deployment, it could be split between multiple instances each one subscripted to a particular MongoDB Database or even to single Collections. This kind of polish can be done only once the team decides how to distribute the RawData coming from different Datasources.

Change Stream

To use the Change Stream feature, the MongoDB deployment MUST be deployed as ReplicaSet

Notifier connection

The notifier subscribes to the MongoDB deployment and starts listening for changes. In the case that the MongoDB deployment restarts / goes offline, the Notifier MUST implement a mechanism to check that the connection is alive and start reconnecting until the MongoDB deployment returns online.


The following section is dedicated to the troubleshooting of known or common issues.

Docker Compose

There are a number of common issues related to docker-compose that might prevent the correct setup of the local environment. Verify the following configurations to be appropriate depending on your local runtime environment and operating system: