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Multilingual events #91

Closed sseppi closed 2 years ago

sseppi commented 2 years ago

As ePaper content manager I want to be able to show the title of an event in all languages available (IT/DE/EN).

A possible solution could be, in case there is a title on different languages, concatenate the title of the event by inserting a new line for each language.

SaimonasFOS commented 2 years ago

@sseppi Right now when choosing text field type you can choose "Event description" which is in Italian by default I think. Initially I thought for this task it is needed to have additional options for text field type: "Event description (EN)", "Event description (IT)", "Event description (DE)". Note: event description is the same thing as event title. However the task description in this issue does not match the idea that I had. What I understood now is that you need to have all titles in one field but I feel this would be inflexible, especially with the current state of Open Data Hub where event titles are not translated properly and they would just duplicate.

Could you elaborate a bit on this task?

sseppi commented 2 years ago

@SaimonasFOS if I understand well, since in case a language is missing the field is populated with another default language, your proposal is to add 3 different field type:

Did I understood well? In this case I see the problem that every time there is a multilingual event our Meeting Management Team has to change the template.

Another solution cold be to check if the texts are different concatenate it otherwise keep only the default one. Would it be possible?

@RudiThoeni can you tell us which language is the default óne?

RudiThoeni commented 2 years ago

There are already the fields EventDescriptionDE EventDescriptionIT EventDescriptionEN which is the title of the Event (bad naming i know, this comes from the interface where the data is synced) The rule at the moment is default German, when IT + EN does not have a title the german title is inserted in the field.....

The real text of the Event (which is not very often provided) is stored in this fields EventTextDE EventTextIT EventTextEN cheers Rudi

SaimonasFOS commented 2 years ago

In this case I see the problem that every time there is a multilingual event our Meeting Management Team has to change the template.

@sseppi That is a valid concern. I guess my proposed solution is not quite fitting then.

Another solution cold be to check if the texts are different concatenate it otherwise keep only the default one. Would it be possible?

Yes, it would be possible. But with current API data texts will never be different. To give you an example how it looks right now:

    "EventDescription": {
        "de": "Workshop Vitalpina Hotels",
        "it": "Workshop Vitalpina Hotels",
        "en": "Workshop Vitalpina Hotels"

    "EventDescription": {
        "de": "Visita guidata",
        "it": "Visita guidata",
        "en": "Visita guidata"

    "EventDescription": {
        "de": "LVH – Erster Nachhaltigkeitslehrgang für KMU in Südtirol",
        "it": "LVH – Erster Nachhaltigkeitslehrgang für KMU in Südtirol",
        "en": "LVH – Erster Nachhaltigkeitslehrgang für KMU in Südtirol"

These are 3 different events and their titles are the same in all 3 languages. And from what I see this is the case for all returned events, I could not find any example where event description would be translated. So, I could implement the duplicate check that you are proposing but with the current state of Open Data Hub it would not be different from the current functionality of eInk back-end where I just take the English description. It would only be useful in the future if event descriptions would be different.

sseppi commented 2 years ago

Another solution cold be to check if the texts are different concatenate it otherwise keep only the default one. Would it be possible?

Yes, it would be possible. But with current API data texts will never be different. To give you an example how it looks right now:

    "EventDescription": {
        "de": "Workshop Vitalpina Hotels",
        "it": "Workshop Vitalpina Hotels",
        "en": "Workshop Vitalpina Hotels"

    "EventDescription": {
        "de": "Visita guidata",
        "it": "Visita guidata",
        "en": "Visita guidata"

    "EventDescription": {
        "de": "LVH – Erster Nachhaltigkeitslehrgang für KMU in Südtirol",
        "it": "LVH – Erster Nachhaltigkeitslehrgang für KMU in Südtirol",
        "en": "LVH – Erster Nachhaltigkeitslehrgang für KMU in Südtirol"

These are 3 different events and their titles are the same in all 3 languages. And from what I see this is the case for all returned events, I could not find any example where event description would be translated. So, I could implement the duplicate check that you are proposing but with the current state of Open Data Hub it would not be different from the current functionality of eInk back-end where I just take the English description. It would only be useful in the future if event descriptions would be different.

@SaimonasFOS I think that at the moment we do not have any multilingual event planned so for this reason all languages are the same. In case we have a multilingual event with different titles in different languages the EventDescription won't be the same in the different languages. Just for example the EventDescription of a multilingual guided tour will be:

 "EventDescription": {
        "de": "Führung",
        "it": "Visita guidata",
        "en": "Guided Tour"

Now our meeting managemet added the event ID 17767 that takes place the 24-25th March with a German and Italian EventDescriptio so you can test it with real data.

SaimonasFOS commented 2 years ago

@sseppi Ok, thank you, I can see this event and it is going to be helpful.

Now, to recap, in case event descriptions are different, I have to write them in separate lines? Like this:

Führung Visita guidata Guided Tour

Do I understand this correctly? What should happen if there is not enough space for 3 lines, just write title in one language or add three dots like proposed here: ?

If my example is incorrect, please give an example how the field text should look like.

sseppi commented 2 years ago

Yes, I think that write the different languages in different lines is the way to go for this MVP.

In case there is no enough space I would add the three dots in order to let the template editor understand that more space is needed.