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Frontend to manage edisplay-backend. Has all CRUD operations implemented to manage Displays, Locations, Connections and Templates. Fully created with Vue.js

REUSE Compliance CI/CD

Table of Contents

Project setup for development

Clone this repository

git clone

Get all dependencies

yarn install

Set up the Backend if not already done. Follow README to setup the Backend.

And start the Frontend. It will run on localhost

yarn serve

How to send and image to a display

1) Set up the API by following the README there 2) Set up a Physical display by following the README of the backend 3) Set the IP-Address of the machine where you run the API in .env file in root directory. You can copy the defaults from .env.example. Note: If you are using Vue cli 3, only variables that start with VUEAPP will be loaded.


4) Start the webapp

yarn serve

5) Create an image with the size 640*384 that you want to send to the display 6) Open a browser to open the webapp on localhost 7) Login with the credentials


8) Click on Create 9) Create a template by giving it a name and uploading the image you created 10) Create a display by giving it a name and choosing the template you created before 11) Create a location by giving it a name 12) Create a connection between the display and the location and in the field network address put the IP-Address of the physical displat you created in step 2 like (it's important to put the protocol and the 80 port)

13) Click on Dashboard where you should see your created display 14) Click on send to send the image to the display or on clear to clear the screen

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build


The E-Display Backend is free software. It is licensed under GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 from 29 June 2007. More info can be found here

Third party components

No third party components used for now


This project is REUSE compliant, more information about the usage of REUSE in NOI Techpark repositories can be found here.

Since the CI for this project checks for REUSE compliance you might find it useful to use a pre-commit hook checking for REUSE compliance locally. The pre-commit-config file in the repository root is already configured to check for REUSE compliance with help of the pre-commit tool.

Install the tool by running:

pip install pre-commit

Then install the pre-commit hook via the config file by running:

pre-commit install