noirb / FuLBLINKy

A Fluid-focused data visualizer for vector fields and other simulation data
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Fully-unified Lattice-Boltzmann Loosely INtegrated Kit for you

In other words: a vector field visualizer focused on 3D fluid data, with an interface to allow you to visualize results directly from a simulator. We're also working on some Lattice-Boltzmann-specific visualization tools to help with building and debugging.

Out-of-the box, we currently support visualization of arbitrary vector field data from legacy .vtk files, as well as direct visualization from a small LBM fluid simulator. The project supports both Linux and Windows, and may see OSX support in the future if there's interest.

Our primary goal is to someday make your fluid visualization tasks for small-to-medium datasets easier and more intuitive.

Use git clone --recursive when cloning this repo for the first time.

This project and lbsim were both produced with the help of the CFD Lab at the Chair of Scientific Computing at TUM. To make using lbsim easier, there is an HTML5-based graphical editor for creating problem domains in the lb_ed repository.

NativeFileDialog was created by Michael Labbe.

Build Dependencies

Build Instructions - Linux

Build Instructions - Windows

You will need:


Development Environment Configuration

Several environment variables need to be configured before launching Visual Studio and building the project. These all point to the headers and LIB files from the dependencies above. A short batch file, devenv.bat (in the vs_2015 directory), will set these for you, but you must edit this file to fill in the paths to the library locations on your local machine.

CEGUI_ROOT - Path to the root directory of CEGUI's source
GLFW_ROOT  - Path to the root GLFW folder
GLEW_ROOT  - Path to the root GLEW folder
GLM_ROOT   - Path to the root GLM folder

Once this is done, you should be able to open the project solution and build successfully!