noirlab-iraf / iraf-v218

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This directory contains the IRAF v2.18 release from NOIRLab.  The

contents of this directory include:

LICENSE     Software license information
LICENSES        Third-party Software license information
Makefile        Top-level makefile
README      This file
README.install  Installation Notes
RELEASE.txt     IRAF v2.18 Release Notes
bin         Symbolic link to current system architecture
bin.generic     Generic architecture (should always be empty)
bin.linux       32-bit Linux binaries
bin.linux64     64-bit Linux binaries
bin.macintel    64-bit Mac OSX (Intel) binaries
bin.macosx      64-bit Mac OSX (Apple) binaries
dev         IRAF Device definition files
doc         IRAF System Documentation
extern      External Packages
include     Top-level vendor include files
install     IRAF installation script
lib         IRAF include files and libraries
local       IRAF 'local' package, release notes, etc
math        IRAF 'math' library packages
mkpkg       Top-level IRAF mkpkg build file
noao        NOAO External Package
pkg         IRAF core system package sources
sys         IRAF Virtual Operating System (VOS) sources
unix        Host System Interface files (Unix)
util        Build utility scripts

o For Installation instructions see the 'README.install' file in this directory.

o For a summary of what is included in this release see the 'RELEASE.txt' file in this directory.

o For problems or questions, please see