noisiver / wrath-of-the-vanilla

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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azerothcore azerothcore-module azerothcore-sql world-of-warcraft wrath-of-the-lich-king

Wrath of the Vanilla

This is a collection of my work towards turning a server running AzerothCore into a server limited to the original content.

I never liked the limitations of the vanilla client, and the mechanics of the game weren't exactly my favorite. This helps me getting around those issues, running Wrath of the Lich King mechanics with classic content.

I removed certain talents from the trees to make them look like the original layouts but those changes require changes to both the server and the client files. I will not be sharing those changes here for legal reasons. I can share those if necessary, just look me up on the AzerothCore discord server - my username is Revision. I'm including screenshots of all talent trees for reference.

I'm working my way through one zone at a time, it will take a very long time to finish the entire world and I will work on it when I have the time to.

If I missed something in a zone, or something turns out to be wrong after my changes, I will be fixing it if I'm told about it.

The spawn points and respawn times of creatures and objects will be worked on when a lot of the maps are done. They will require a lot of work.

The plan is to add progression on top of this, unlocking content gradually. That is, however, very far from happening - so is progressing into The Burning Crusade and beyond.

Note: I have to apologize for the lack of updates. I'm just very busy with both work-related and personal projects on top of a lot of other stuff. I will get back to it eventually, but for now it unfortunately has a low priority.


To get the talent trees I use with any sort of progression you can find them over at Filebin.

The reason why the archive contain talent trees for Vanilla and The Burning Crusade is because the new system I started working on handles patches from 1.1 to 3.3.5 so I needed talent trees through all that. At least now no one has to ask me for these.

Important information

Do not import the files spell_proc_event.sql and npc_trainer.sql found in the folder called extra unless you have the same talent changes that I do. It's there to prevent errors caused by my changes to the talent trees.


A lot of credit goes to the wonderful people working on AzerothCore and vMaNGOS.


Class Trainers

Class Quests




Alterac Mountains

Arathi Highlands




The Barrens

Blasted Lands

Burning Steppes



Deadwind Pass

Deeprun Tram


Dun Morogh



Dustwallow Marsh

Eastern Plaguelands

Elwynn Forest



Hillsbrad Foothills

The Hinterlands


Loch Modan




Redridge Mountains

Searing Gorge

Silverpine Forest


Stonetalon Mountains

Stormwind City

Stranglethorn Vale

Swamp of Sorrows



Thousand Needles

Thunder Bluff

Tirisfal Glades


Un'Goro Crater

Western Plaguelands




[^1]: This is, unfortunately, not possible to fully restore using the original Wrath of the Lich King client. A workaround, however, is possible and is planned for the very distant future.