nojanath / SublimeKSP

Fork of Nils Liberg's SublimeKSP plugin. See README for details.
GNU General Public License v3.0
84 stars 18 forks source link


A Sublime Text 3/4 plugin for working with and compiling KSP (Kontakt Script Processor) code.


This fork is based on Nils Liberg's official SublimeKSP plugin, v1.11, and supports all Kontakt versions. However, there are a number of additions and changes:


Manual Installation

To use features of SublimeKSP before official package releases:

Running From Command Line

SublimeKSP compiler can also be ran from command line, by simply executing with the appropriate source (and optionally output) file path(s), along with optional compiler switches. For this, you need to use the manual installation of SublimeKSP, in order to have direct access to file. To execute a compilation of a file, it is as simple as typing:

> python "<source-file-path>"

However, various compiler options from SublimeKSP's Tools menu are also available. All of them are set to false if not used, and by including them in the command line, they are set to true: [-h] [-c] [-v] [-e] [-o] [-t] [-d] source_file [output_file]

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help                   show this help message and exit
  -f, --force                  force all specified compiler options, overriding any compile_with pragma directives from the script
  -c, --compact                remove indents and empty lines in compiled code
  -v, --compact_variables      shorten and obfuscate variable names in compiled code
  -d, --combine_callbacks      combines duplicate callbacks - but not functions or macros
  -e, --extra_syntax_checks    additional syntax checks during compilation
  -o, --optimize               optimize the compiled code
  -t, --add_compile_date       adds the date and time comment atop the compiled code
  -x, --sanitize_exit_command  adds a dummy no-op command before every exit function call

> python --force -c -e -o "<source-file-path>" "<target-file-path>"



See the Wiki on GitHub.