nokiadatagathering / ndg-ng

4.04 up to 5.11 versions of the server
5 stars 6 forks source link



We use Ubuntu 11.10
First, install mysql server if needed (if its not already installed):
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server
Then, login to mysql as a root:
mysql -u root -p
This will ask you for the root password for mysql.
In mysql the ndg local user should be created with the same password and then the database 'ndg2' should be created
and the user granted access to it:
mysql> create user 'ndg'@'localhost' identified by 'ndg';
mysql> create database ndg2;
mysql> grant all privileges on ndg2.* to ndg@localhost;
git clone
cd assets/build/
(install necessary tools (sudo apt-get install optipng libjpeg-progs) to optimize assets.This is not needed on Windows machines. ant needs to be version 1.8.2 so you may need to do
              sudo add-apt-repository ppa:eclipse-team/debian-package
              sudo apt-get update
              sudo apt-get install ant
ant -f build_dev.xml (or just 'ant build' if you are going to production)  
cd ../..
cd conf
vim application.conf - and change 
                       and Mail configuration if you want to use the registration
vim - and change
play run


We are using Git as the Source Control Manager (SCM)

Our Documentation style is Markdown


  1. app/ contains the application's core, split between models, controllers and views directories. It can contain other Java packages as well. This is the directory where .java source files live.

  2. conf/ contains all the configuration files for the application, especially the main application.conf file, the routes definition files and the messages files used for internationalization.

  3. lib/ contains all optional Java libraries packaged as standard .jar files.

  4. public/ optimized assets which represent the front end of the site. It includes JavaScript files, stylesheets and images directories.

  5. assets/ source files (html, css, javascript). The ant build file in assets/build optimizes these files and then places them in the assets/public directory. The folder does not need to be deployed when going live.

  6. test/ contains all the application tests. Tests are either written either as Java JUnit tests or as Selenium tests