nolancaster / angular2-actioncable

Integrate ActionCable with Angular2+
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Update to Angular 10 #11

Open rafaelmdurante opened 4 years ago

rafaelmdurante commented 4 years ago

Hey there peepz!

We've developed a library that has angular2-actioncable as peerDependency. This library is imported by an application. Both library and application were updated to Angular 10. Although we get compilations errors for the library, the application fails to start.

The error message says angular2-actioncable has missing dependencies: rxjs and @angular/core.

ERROR in The target entry-point "angular2-actioncable" has missing dependencies:
 - @angular/core
 - rxjs

We haven't found any article or issue related to incompatibility so far, but we didn't manage to find where the problem was either.

Just a quick note: it works fine for Angular 9 though.

Any clues on that, please?

Thanks a million!