nolancaster / angular2-actioncable

Integrate ActionCable with Angular2+
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Simple and flexible integration for ActionCable and Angular applications.


npm install angular2-actioncable


If using an Angular version prior to 6:

npm install angular2-actioncable@1.2.2


Use the ActionCableService to create an ActionCable consumer and subscribe to a channel.

import { Component, OnDestroy, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { ActionCableService, Channel } from 'angular2-actioncable';
import { MessageService } from './shared/messages/message.service';

  selector: 'app-root',
  templateUrl: './app.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./app.component.scss']
export class AppComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
  subscription: Subscription;

    private cableService: ActionCableService,
    private messageService: MessageService
  ) { }

  ngOnInit() {
    // Open a connection and obtain a reference to the channel
    const channel: Channel = this.cableService
      .channel('ChatChannel', {room : 'Best Room'});

    // Subscribe to incoming messages
    this.subscription = channel.received().subscribe(message => {

  ngOnDestroy() {
    // Unsubscribing from the messages Observable automatically
    // unsubscribes from the ActionCable channel as well



.cable(url: string, params?: any): Cable

Open a new ActionCable connection to the url. Any number of connections can be created.
If a function is supplied for the URL params, it will be reevaluated before any reconnection attempts.

.disconnect(url: string): void

Close an open connection for the url.


.channel(name: string, params?: any): Channel

Create a new subscription to a channel, optionally with topic parameters.

.disconnect(): void

Close the connection.

.disconnected(): Observable<any>

Emits when the WebSocket connection is closed.


.received(): Observable<any>

Emits messages that have been broadcast to the channel.
For easy clean-up, when this Observable is completed the ActionCable channel will also be closed.

.send(data: any): void

Broadcast message to other clients subscribed to this channel.

.perform(action: string, data?: any): void

Perform a channel action with the optional data passed as an attribute.

.initialized(): Observable<any>

Emits when the subscription is initialized.

.connected(): Observable<any>

Emits when the subscription is ready for use on the server.

.disconnected(): Observable<any>

Emits when the WebSocket connection is closed.

.rejected(): Observable<any>

Emits when the subscription is rejected by the server.

.unsubscribe(): void

Unsubscribe from the channel.

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