nolancaster / angular2-actioncable

Integrate ActionCable with Angular2+
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Make it possible for params to return a Promise #4

Open bananabr opened 5 years ago

bananabr commented 5 years ago


Cable's constructor already permits params to be a Function, but this function must be synchronous. It would really help if params could return a Promise.

Thanks in advance

nolancaster commented 5 years ago

Hi @bananabr , I'm not sure I'm seeing how that would work. If the function is asynchronous, does it go ahead and try to establish a connection before the promise has resolved?

bananabr commented 5 years ago

No, it should not. I need to present a JWT for my connection to be established. To get the token I need I use a service that requests the token asynchronously from my OpenID provider. No problem getting the fist token, I can wait for it and then pass it as a connection header or query param, but it needs to be refreshed once in a while and I could figure out how to make this work with the current version of angular2-actioncable.

nolancaster commented 5 years ago

That seems like a similar problem to the one that prompted me to add the ability to use a callback to get the params. I use the angular token auth package which by default generates a new auth token for every request. So my cable connection call looks like this:

this.cableService.cable('', () => this.tokenService.currentAuthData)

In the case of a disconnect, the function will be re-evaluated to get the fresh authentication params.

skadecl commented 5 years ago

That seems like a similar problem to the one that prompted me to add the ability to use a callback to get the params. I use the angular token auth package which by default generates a new auth token for every request. So my cable connection call looks like this:

this.cableService.cable('', () => this.tokenService.currentAuthData)

In the case of a disconnect, the function will be re-evaluated to get the fresh authentication params.

Is this really possible? I just tried it but the same token (frist one) is being sent.